We offer a suite of practical, specialized and concise resources to help students and recent graduates with successful career planning and aspects of becoming an emerging creative professional!

Career readiness modules
Handy resource guides to help you lay the foundation for meaningful work.

Idea to action worksheet
The Idea to Action worksheet will help you take a project, business or dream and make it real.

Creating in the greyscale
A guide to navigating intellectual property as an emerging artist or designer.

Your creative career
An illustrated guide to reaching your career goals by seizing opportunities, adapting to change and committing to a plan.

Reflection & goal setting
A series of guiding questions you can expect during career planning meetings at OCAD U.

Cover letters
A breakdown of how to create a structured, relevant and compelling professional letter.

The step-by-step application package
An illustrated guide to developing an effective cover letter, resume and CV for early-career success.

Interview skills
Prepare yourself for a focused, meaningful conversation that makes the right impression.

Disability and entering the workforce
Developed in partnership with Accessibility Services, this guide offers general tips for career preparedness and accommodation.

Volunteering can be a powerful tool to engage in community, enhance skills and reflect on personal aspirations.

External websites & resources
From major galleries to local design firms, the CEAD maintains broader resources for students to access and use as they research and plan their careers.

Communication & presentation skills
Learn about professional communication styles - learn how to prepare, tell your story, and make a good impression.

Your work here: a guide for GradEx
Practical tips and professional insights to make the most of this major event!

Words of wisdom
CONVENE Zine: A zine of key takeaways from the CONVENE Panel series. DOWNLOAD ZINE (PDF)
Notes from the Professional World: Professionals offer their advice on a variety of career topics. DOWNLOAD NOTES (PDF)

Alumni career stories
Interviews and reflections from OCAD U alums on launching a creative career!

Build your Format site
Students and faculty can access Format.com to build a web portfolio for FREE while at OCAD U and for six months after graduating!

MOO.com discount
Members of the OCAD U community are eligible for a 30% discount on business cards and other products.