Student Accessibility Services supports undergraduate, graduate, and continuing studies students who require accessibility support related to temporary and permanent disabilities. Students whose disability impacts their learning experience can register with Student Accessibility Services to learn more about academic accommodations, services, and supports, to meet their accessibility needs.

Current OCAD U students can access request forms and more information here.

Who We Support

Student Accessibility Services supports students with disabilities that may fall into the following categories:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Chronic health/medical conditions
  • Conditions affecting hearing or vision
  • Conditions affecting mobility and/or dexterity
  • Injuries
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health and addictions
  • Unsure? – Students with suspected disabilities are welcome to reach out to discuss their experience with an Accessibility Advisor.

How We Support

After completing a registration meeting with an accessibility advisor, students can access academic accommodations and other supports, including:

  • Academic Accommodations – For example, additional time to complete tests/exams, negotiated deadline extensions, note-taking, ASL interpretation and reduced courseload.
  • General Accessibility Advising – Support around communicating with instructors, academic petitions and appeals, disability-related financial supports, such as the Bursary for Students with Disabilities.
  • Service Referrals - Referrals to on-campus services (counselling, tutoring, advising) and external services including psychoeducational assessments, counselling, and training on assistive technology.


We are located on the 6th floor in the Student Wellness Centre at 230 Richmond St. West.



Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


416-977-6000 ext. 339
