OCAD U is located in one of the most diverse countries and cities in the world, and our campus reflects this diversity. Our community of students, faculty, staff and alums represent a full spectrum of ideas, talent, experiences and perspectives. We are a community of creatives who collaborate to exchange ideas and drive forward innovation in art and design practice.
We provide programming and spaces for all, including several multi-faith rooms located across campus. OCAD University actively promotes education and employment equity through initiatives like the Scarborough Charter. Our Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODESI) works to reduce barriers to equity, diversity and inclusivity on campus and in society.
There are over 50 student groups on campus representing diverse cultural groups. OCAD U promotes Indigenous engagement and academic programs, and services offered through the Indigenous Student Centre. Accessibility Services provide OCAD U students with alternate formats for learning, as well as academic accommodations including flexible deadlines and notetaking support.
OCAD U students can apply for bursaries including Indigenous student bursaries, bursaries for students with disabilities, and racial equity bursaries specifically awarded to students who identify as Indigenous, Black, or racialized. Awards including the Indigenous Student Leadership Award and Diversity & Equity Excellence Award are conferred annually by OCAD U in recognition of selected students.
Diversity is a key component of the OCAD U experience and our programs and initiatives actively reflect the full scope of ideas, experiences and perspectives in our community