Postgraduate Certificates
Liberal Studies offers alumni the opportunity to return to the University to complete postgraduate certificates in the following programs:
- English
- Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Social Sciences
- Sustainability
Degree Completion
OCAD University offers its diploma program graduates the opportunity to return to OCAD U to complete a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or Bachelor of Design (BDes) degree. OCAD U has developed a program where graduates can convert their associate of OCA/OCAD diploma to a degree by completing additional credits in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Arts & Science Review
The Arts and Science Review was inaugurated in 2020 and showcases and celebrates student writing in courses offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science. For more information about the journal, please see the Arts & Science Review website.

Contact Us
For admissions related inquiries, please contact:
Admissions & Recruitment
416-977-6000, Ext. 4869
For program related inquiries, contact:
Faculty of Arts & Science
416-977-6000, Ext. 3796
Alia Weston, Chair, Liberal Studies, Associate Professor
Charles Reeve, Liberal Studies, Professor
Keith Bresnahan, Associate Professor
Ross Bullen, Assistant Professor
Ian Clarke, Associate Professor
Marie-Hélène He, Lecturer
Kathy Kiloh, Associate Professor
Bill Leeming, Associate Professor
David McIntosh, Professor Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Lynne Milgram, Professor Emerit/Emerita/Emeritus
Michelle Miller Stafford, Assistant Professor
Angus Mok, Lecturer
Alexis Morris, Assistant Professor
Maria-Belén Ordóñez, Assistant Professor
Soyang Park, Associate Professor
Michael Prokopow, Associate Professor
Helmut Reichenbacher, Associate Professor
Peter Scott, Lecturer
Adam Tindale, Associate Professor