The Ontario College of Art & Design University Act, 2002, (amended 2010) states that “the Board of Governors is responsible for governing and managing the affairs of the university and has the necessary powers to do so." The Board consists of members from the external community, including 6 individuals appointed by the Ontario government, 2 elected by the OCAD U Alumni, and 10 by the Board itself. There are also 8 internal Board members drawn from the OCAD U community, elected by staff, management and student representatives as well as faculty members cross-appointed by the Senate. The President and the Chancellor are ex-officio voting internal members.

In its meetings the Board establishes policy and institutional priorities for the university. It makes major operating decisions and receives reports from the President; Vice-President, Academic & Provost; Vice-President, Advancement & Board Secretariat; Vice-President, Finance & Administration; Vice-President, Research & Innovation; the Senate; Chairs of standing and ad hoc committees; and representatives of academic and administrative areas at the university, as needed. Standing committees of the Board include the Executive; Audit, Finance and Risk; Human Resources; Investment; and Physical Resources and Capital Assets Committees. There is also a Senate Liaison Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee. Ad hoc committees and task forces are established from time to time as required.

Board Meetings

The OCAD U Board of Governors meets regularly five times per academic year where the dates are listed below. Meetings are generally held from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Room 322 (3rd Floor) 230 Richmond Street West, unless otherwise indicated on the agenda. Minutes of each meeting will be posted after approval by the Board of Governors. An agenda for upcoming meetings will be posted in advance. For more information, please contact Tanya Bowes, Board Secretary.