The Senate is responsible for the establishment and regulation of academic policy, standards, and procedures at OCAD University. In particular, the Senate and its many committees are in charge of academic matters pertaining to OCAD U‚ including all program curricula and courses of study, academic strategic planning, student-facing and academic administrative policies, and other such related academic priorities and initiatives. Membership of Senate consists predominantly of faculty, but also includes undergraduate and graduate student representation, as well as representatives of the academic administration. The Senate normally meets on the last Monday of every month during the academic year.

For more information on the Senate and its membership, please see the OCAD University Senate By-Laws or contact Natalie Nanton, Senate Secretary at, or at 416-977-6000, Ext. 2856.


OCAD University senate membership 2024/2025


Ana Serrano 

Caroline Langill 
Vice-President, Academic and Provost, and Vice-Chair of Senate

Jaime Watt 

Ashok Mathur 
Vice-President, Research, and Dean, Graduate Studies

Stephen Foster 
Dean, Faculty of Art

Lesley-Ann Noel 
Dean, Faculty of Design

Sarita Srivastava 
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science

Ben Peto 
University Registrar & Director, Enrolment Services

Susan Kun 
Acting University Librarian

Faculty-area Faculty Senators - Art

Amanda Boulos
Simon Glass  
Francis LeBouthillier  
Nicholas Pye
Vladimir Spicanovic   

Faculty-area Faculty Senators - Design

Kevin Bae 
Jules Goss 
Diane Mikhael 
Suharu Ogawa
Neal Prabhu
Nancy Snow 
Annie Tung

Faculty at-Large Senators

Michelle Astrug 
Parantap Bhatt 
Chen Cao 
Peter Coppin
Jim Drobnick
Isabel Meirelles
Sarah Tranum

Faculty-area Faculty Senators - Faculty of Arts & Science

Ross Bullen 
Ian Keteku
Katherine Kiloh 
Fidelia Lam 
Angus Mok
Eric Nay 
Barbara Rauch

Program Chairs - Faculty of Art

Philippe Blanchard
Derek Sullivan 

Sessional Faculty Senators

Spencer J. Harrison

Program Chairs - Faculty of Design

Angela Bains
Lauchlan Reid

Program Chairs - Faculty of Arts and Science


Graduate Program Directors

Simone Jones

Undergraduate Student Senators

Faculty of Art

Anna Tran
Faculty of Design

Faculty of Arts & Science

Graduate Student Senator

Jennifer-Amy Murphy
Graduate Studies

Appointed Senators

Maggie Broda
External Member appointed by and from the Board of Governors

Tannis Nielsen  
Internal Co-Chair, Indigenous Education Council

Deanne Fisher 
Vice-Provost, Students and International, appointed by virtue of office

Sean Baker 
Director, Learning Pathways, appointed by virtue of office (Director, School of Continuing Studies)

Susan Ferguson 
Director, Teaching and Learning, appointed by virtue of office

[Pending Appointment] 
Executive Director, Indigenous Engagement (Oshkabewis), appointed by virtue of officee

Senate meetings

At least seven regular Senate meetings will be held between September 1 and May 31, except where the secretary, in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee, determines that circumstances warrant a change from the normal schedule. No meeting of the senate will be of more than three hours in duration, except by the affirmative vote of two thirds of those present and voting to extend for a specific period of time. All outstanding business will be deferred until the next meeting, unless a special meeting is called.

Senate meetings will take place on the last Monday of every month, from 3:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise stated, during the Fall and Winter terms. For more information, please contact Natalie Nanton, Secretary to Senate at

Minutes of each meeting will be posted after approval at Senate. An agenda for upcoming meetings will be made available in advance.

September 23, 2024AgendaMinutes
October 28, 2024AgendaMinutes
November 25, 2024AgendaMinutes
January 27, 2025AgendaMinutes
February 24, 2025AgendaMinutes
March 31, 2025AgendaMinutes
April 28, 2025AgendaMinutes

More information and contact

For more information on the Senate and its membership, please see the OCAD University Senate By-Laws or contact Natalie Nanton, Secretary to Senate at, or at 416-977-6000, Ext. 2856.