The Library
Our mission is to partner with faculty to develop a campus-wide learning strategy, enhancing the learning experience of undergraduate and graduate students at OCAD University.
We continue to develop specialized collections and collaborate with academic colleagues to offer tools to improve access to information, resources and services in support of teaching, learning and research at OCAD U.

Spaces and collections
The OCAD U Library provides access to thousands of print books, exhibition catalogues, reference materials, ebooks, and other works. Our databases and print and electronic periodicals and magazines provide access to hundreds of journals and thousands of research articles and resources. Our special collections include artist’s books, rare books, manuscripts and periodicals, zines, DVDs, and more. These resources and our reference and instructional services support teaching and learning at OCAD U.
The Library Learning Zone provides an alternative work and study space for students. Students have access to desktop and laptop computer work spaces, printers and scanners, equipment loans, and table space for studio work. Several of the library's collections are also housed here, including selected new books, reference books, and art and design annuals.
The University Archives are responsible for the safekeeping of official records that document OCAD U's legacy and contributions to art education and student life in Ontario since 1876.

OCAD U's main library is named after Dorothy H. Hoover, who served as head librarian and lecturer from 1952 to 1968. In 1957, the library moved from Glendon Hall on Bayview Avenue into OCAD U's expanded main building at 100 McCaul Street. In the mid-1980s the library collection was relocated to the main floor of the Grange Wing, and in 1999 the library moved to its current location in Village by the Grange at 113 McCaul Street.

Professional Organizations
The OCAD University library is a member of: