
Collaborative Online International Learning courses or assignments are done virtually in collaboration with faculty and students at partner institution. These courses/assignments foster multicultural dialogue and experiential student collaboration. These online or blended learning initiatives are generally very student-driven, having students from each location plan and set project goals together in partners or groups. COIL + also includes a travel component.
International Online Residency Experiences are faculty-led co-curricular and include collaboration with international students abroad. Each residency is based around a shared theme or media, and students at OCAD U directly collaborate on producing collaborative work with students from one or multiple partner institutions worldwide over a 4-6 month period. Each residency aims to create a professional opportunity for participants in each of the participating global locations, such as culminating exhibitions.
This includes short and long term study abroad, field study, and service learning programs or trips. Whether for-credit or co-curricular these opportunities for international travel learning are generally faculty lead, engaging with local communities and industries worldwide. This includes thesis abroad, Design Abroad, INTAC, Career Launchers, and more.
Through this wide-range of collaborative opportunities, we also work to support increased capacity for faculty and staff mobility. We have successfully established new exchange models with our partner institutions for periods from one week to a full term. Through this, we are able to welcome in new innovative approaches and ideas into our community, while also allowing our team members to expand their knowledge and share their expertise globally.
Working with our international networks and institutional partners, faculty and students at our university can support their research and creative practices. This includes pursuing shared funding and professional development opportunities.


Artists-in-Residence Program (August 2022) Presented by the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) in partnership with OCAD U (Tallinn, Estonia) Bahamas residency webpage poster Decolonizing Art from Turtle Island to the Islands of the Bahamas Course (May 20
Presented by the University of the Bahamas (UB) and OCAD University.

Our Histories with Objects (February 2022)
OCAD University in collaboration with Hongik University (Seoul, South Korea)

Artist Talk: Christine Rebet (September 2021)
Hosted by iAcademy (Manila, Philippines) in partnership with OCAD University, with the support of the Consulate of France in Toronto

Past Collaborations
Narratives Through Global Space (September 2020 to February 2021)
This digital residency recognizes the profound and essential value that diversity brings to the creation, reception and circulation of creative practices and discourse. Students and alumni from OCAD U and Mapua University (Manila, Philippines) worked collaboratively, investigating narrative, archives, digital art, performance art, and experimental animation. Supported by OCAD U faculty members Julius Poncelet Manapul and Natalie Waldburger.
Design for Diversity (February 2021)
This intensive program brought together emerging designers from OCAD U and ENSI Les Ateliers (Paris, France) for a five-day virtual design workshop investigating a new role for designers as cultural connectors as they collaborated on interaction design, service design, product design and spatial design. Students were encouraged to look at the cultural diversity in both France and Canada with an optimistic, ‘designerly’ attitude: the expectation that every culture should be respected, and each culture has valuable insights to share. Led by faculty members Job Rutgers (OCAD U) and Sarngsan Na Soontorn (ENSCI-Les Ateliers).
What Moves You? (February to March 2021)
This virtual partnership brought together students from OCAD U and University of the Arts (London, UK) for six weeks to consider and explore the potential of art to be a catalyst for social change in during the pandemic. Students worked towards building a trans-Atlantic network of creative outputs and documentation from each individual’s location. Responding to a series of generative questions that prompt artistic response and deep critical discussion, students collaborated to shape a collective project. The objective is to gain global insight, identify pressing social challenges, and develop an innovative web of artistic propositions.
Led by faculty members Anda Kubis (OCAD U) and Lois Rowe (University of the Arts London).
International Writing Collective
Established by OCAD U’s Catherine Black, Chair, Creative Writing, in partnership with faculty at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogota, Colombia) this collective explores how we connect, create, and write across geographies, languages, and cultures in response to our global crises and individual challenges. Composed of writers enthusiastic about international collaboration, interdisciplinary production, translation, and the productive interchange of ideas, the group has a strong interest in social justice. Together, creative writing students in Bogota and Toronto work together to produce a collective creation in the form of a public online reading, a performance, and/or a publication.
COIL Project: Enlace MARCO / Shelter 1:1 (Winter 2019)
Led by Jana Macalik (OCAD U) and Kazmy Chi, Universidad de Monterrey (Monterrey, Mexico) Environmental Design and Interior Design Students collaborated to propose works based on the exhibition “Axiomas para la acción”(“Axioms for action”) by the artist Carlos Amorales at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO). One project was selected to be produced and exhibited at the museum.
INTAC (2010 to Present)
Over the last decade, students and professors at eight universities around the world have engaged in meaningful international experiences as part of International Art Collaborations (INTAC) during an annual cycle of 8-month-long engagements. The current iteration of INTAC brings together six universities located in Finland, Mexico, Canada, Germany, South Korea and China. Spring 2020’s iteration culminated in an online exhibition that can be viewed at 'Plug in (s)Objects', INTACnet online virtual gallery.
Design Abroad (2013 to Present)
In May of 2019, sixteen undergraduate design students worked with the residents of El Cocal, a small informal community located next to the town of Quepos, Costa Rica. The project worked with key residents in El Cocal to co-design a comprehensive waste management solution that would assist the community to reach its goals of protecting the natural environmental and sharing its beauty with its residents and visitors. This bi-annual course focuses on participatory design processes, and is led by faculty member Sarah Tranum.
Printmaking and Publications with CENTRO, Mexico City (February 2020)
Facilitated by Tony Macarena and OCAD U faculty members Shannon Gerard and Alison Judd, OCAD U fourth-year Print and Publications students and CENTRO students challenged the concept of borders. Over three days at the Mexico City campus, the group considered how to work together across them, challenge them, or ignore them. The group was also joined by OCAD U Illustration alumni Vicky To and Learning Zone Librarian Marta Chudolinska.
Artists-In-Residence Program in Estonia (Postponed to Spring 2022)
This career launcher developed by OCAD U faculty member Nithikul Nimkulrat in partnership with Estonian Academy of Arts, EKA (Tallinn, Estonia) invited students from Material Art & Design and Digital Futures Programs to go abroad to work in analog and digital materials. Students Olivia Prior, Charlize Nhung, Khadija Aziz will undertake their residency in Spring 2022.
Diasporic Dialogues with Black History Month Florence (February 2020)
Undergraduate Criticism & Curatorial Practice student Leaf Jerlefia (Watson) participated in this International Career Launcher in Florence, Italy. They worked with OCAD U professor Andrea Fatona to collaborate with Black History Month Florence (BHMF), international curator Simone Frangi, and artists Binta Diaw, Francis Offman, Raziel Perin, and Emmanuel Yoro Gallagher to develop the first phase of a project that will see dialogue and exchange between emerging Italian artists and Black Toronto-based emerging artists and curators. Presented in partnership with Black History Month Florence and The Student Hotel Florence.
Decolonizing Art from Turtle Island to the Islands of the Bahamas
Ada Slaight Chair of Drawing and Painting Ilene Sova and Indigenous Community Relations Advocate, Nadia McLaren are working with faculty at the University of the Bahamas to share knowledge around creating art within the context of decolonization and the creation of art for social change. In alignment with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the calls to action outlined for Post-Secondary Institutions, this innovative study is designed to look at the complex questions of decolonial practice and to map these across two distinct national and institution contexts. Focused on contemporary art practice of research, education, and production, this project will provide a valuable vehicle for faculty to exchange ideas and to develop a broader awareness of best practices in art making within a frame of decolonization. Project goals include an exhibition of the work created in response to concepts of decolonization in a Caribbean and North American context, and the development of a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) course shared across our partner institutions.
Design Competencies
An ongoing collaboration between London College of Communication (LCC) and OCAD U, this project seeks to create a concise overview of design competencies ¾ insights into the latest identified design-world needs and how to teach them to best prepare design students for their roles in a changing world. Curriculum and co-curricular opportunities support students in creating their unique learning and career paths. Led by Job Rutgers (OCAD U), John Fass and Mo Ling Chui (LCC) with support from CUMULUS: International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media.
Artist Residency: Mexico's Festival Internacional Cervantino (October 2019)
As the 2019 guest country at the festival, Canada featured its vibrant and diverse arts sector on the stages and streets of Guanajuato, Mexico. As a resident artist, OCAD U’s Luke Parnell worked in a rooftop studio at Casa Canada and gave an artist talk.
Workshops in Vietnam and Philippines (Fall 2019)
For the first time, OCAD U and other Canadian art and design institutions came together to deliver a series of Canadian Arts and Creative Industries Workshops in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam and Manila, Philippines. These workshops were led by Jennie Suddi ck, Immony Mèn and Emerson Buczolits.
DesignTO (January 2020)
OCAD U facilitated guests from our partner institutions (Kazmy Chi of Universidad de Monterrey, Joel Karamath of London College of Communication, and Daniel Shin of Nottingham Trent University) to present during the DesignTO festival. The group also facilitated the workshop, Where Do We Meet? Design led Businesses & the Business of Educating Designers,led by OCAD U’s Job Rutgers. This half-day workshop, held at OCAD U CO’s Design Thinking Studio at the Waterfront campus, brought together creative minds from across the design spectrum, including students, alumni and community partners.
Panorama Creativo: A roadmap for Canadian creative industries
CENTRO (Mexico City) and EduCanada invited OCAD U to participate in an ongoing faculty and staff focus group to collaborate on research in the creative sectors and industries in both Canada and Mexico. Focus includes interactive and audiovisual media, performing arts and design (graphic).
Faculty members Peter Morin and Sarah Tranum visited University Arts London (Winter 2020)
Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom) technicians Kerry Truman and Jeremy Keeling came to OCAD U and Director, Facilities & Studio Services Nick Hooper visited Nottingham Trent, in exchange (January 2020)
OCAD U and University of the Arts London in Partnership with Art Toronto and DesignTO (March 2021)
OCAD U and University of the Arts London (UAL) partnered to host international studio visits for Art Toronto 2020 and to present a design speaker series with DesignTO.
Programs at our studio in Florence, Italy (temporarily suspended due to the pandemic)
A suite of non-credit courses launched in Spring 2019 opened to members of the OCAD U community and creative practitioners world-wide. Three frameworks: supporting overall studio practice, teacher training and material exploration inform masterclasses led by OCAD U faculty. In addition to using OCAD U’s studio and emphasizing our approach to contemporary practice, this program also includes a significant amount immersion in the Florentine Italian context, including the opportunity to engage with local practitioners and workshops.