Creative work comes in many different shapes, which is why OCAD U’s Experiential Learning Program is not one-size-fits all. Instead of traditional co-ops and internships, Experiential Learning Placements emphasize self-reflection, mentorship, and experimentation. 


Through Placement Courses, upper year undergraduate students can ‘test-drive’ a creative field, and earn academic credit by learning through working in the field. Students reflect and share individual experiences as a class through group discussion, and complete course work based on critical self-reflection and professional development. 


Students enroll in Experiential Placement Courses just like any other course – please see the Course Catalogue for eligibility specific to your program (Major/Minor/Specialization).

Once enrolled, students are responsible for preparing their portfolio and résumé and creating a Talent Network profile. Students should contact the Experiential Learning Coordinator for advising on Placement Employer research and outreach. The Experiential Learning Program team maintains a network of Placement Partners and we provide support and resources to help students make professional connections.

To get the most out of an Experiential Learning Placement, students are encouraged to:

  • Self-assess and reflect on creative skills and practice
  • Set personal and professional goals
  • Take initiative to explore your field and/or industry
  • Connect with professional communities and develop personal networks
  • Experiment
  • Share personal experiences and resources with your peers


More details for students/faculty here

Frequently asked questions

About Experiential Learning Placements
