OCAD University has a bi-cameral governance system with a Board of Governors and a Senate. In addition, the Indigenous Education Council is the principal advisory body with the role of decision-making on Indigenous matters, and has a reciprocal reporting relationship with the Board and Senate.


Board of Govenors

OCAD University is governed by a Board of Governors comprised of members from both within the University and the larger community. Together they meet to establish policy and institutional priorities and make major operating decisions for the University.



OCAD U’s Senate is responsible for the establishment and regulation of academic policy, standards and procedures. The Senate’s committees meet regularly to discuss academic matters, programming, strategies and student affairs.


Indigenous Education Council

OCAD University’s Indigenous Education Council is a group of Indigenous internal and external members drawn together to support the interests and concerns of the OCAD U Indigenous community, including priorities for programs and services, curriculum development, and areas of research and scholarship.