and Transparency
OCAD University’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
OCAD University acknowledges the ancestral and traditional territories of the Mississaugas of the New Credit, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe and the Huron-Wendat, who are the original owners and custodians of the land on which we live, work and create.
OCAD U recognizes that we are bound together in the struggle to create a more just world. OCAD U understands that, after the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, transformative education requires that we critically transform the settler social relations that underpin knowledge production and what constitutes knowledge within the University context and beyond. We are committed to ensuring that the multiplicity of histories and perspectives of racialized and Indigenous students, faculty and staff are recognized and affirmed in their experiences at the institution. Through a process of ongoing reflexivity, we will more prominently include social justice, critical methodologies and Indigenous knowledges in our relations, curricula, pedagogy, research practices, policies and processes.
As an institution committed to the production, stewardship and interrogation of expressive culture, OCAD U recognizes the profound and essential value that diversity brings to the creation, reception and circulation of creative practices and discourse. Valuing diverse creative practices, forms of knowledge and methods of making, enriches and is essential to our core mission and vision as an art and design university with a local and global scope, and that provides students with the capabilities to be successful global citizens and creative participants in a complex world. We acknowledge that a commitment to the principles of equity requires engagement with and response to the complex, systemic and often deeply embedded ways that systems and practices exclude disproportionately under-represented communities, and that advancing equity extends beyond the numerical representation of under-represented communities or the inclusion of under-represented groups in order to achieve diversity. Equity requires the implementation and evaluation of specific measures or policies that recognize, address and remediate the exclusion of under-represented groups from institutions of higher learning specifically, and from the larger art, craft and design sectors generally.
OCAD U is continually working to identify and eliminate structural barriers in recruitment, hiring, and retention policies and practices. As a part of this process, in 2020 OCAD U launched a newly developed Employment Equity Workforce Survey to ensure updated data on current staff demographics. The University is activity working to evaluate strategies to address gaps in hiring and retention and to put supports in place to allocate resources that will support OCAD U’s equity, diversity and inclusivity policies and practices.

Strategy for raising awareness
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability (ODESI) is committed to creating a collaborative ecosystem of constituent engagement and participation, and building reciprocal relationships and community collaborations with equity-seeking communities, locally and globally.
While ODESI plays a vitally important leadership and advisory role, the responsibility for human rights, equity and sustainability is shared within the OCAD U community.
Engaging the OCAD U community in collaboration and common purpose in understanding and advancing equity and sustainability is essential and continuous, and OCAD U’s Employment and Educational Equity Committee (EEEC) plays a vital role ensuring progress on OCAD U’s strategic equity and sustainability priorities.
ODESI will continue to develop practices to increase its accountability and transparency to the OCAD U community, including regular reporting on ODESI activities and on information and issues of importance to the OCAD U community.
For more information please visit the ODESI page.
The Office of Research & Innovation continues to raise awareness about the benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion within the Canada Research Chairs Program and the broader research enterprise through multiple mechanisms including through social media, workshops and events.

Equity, diversity and inclusion in the Canada Research Chairs Program
In 2017, the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) launched its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan in response to concerns regarding equity and diversity raised during the program’s 15-year evaluation. As part of the Plan, all institutions with an allocation of five or more Chairs were required to develop an equity, diversity and inclusion action plan (institutional plan), which describes how the institution will address any under-representation of individuals from four designated groups (Indigenous Peoples, women, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities).
Visit the following links for more information about equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the Canada Research Chairs program:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Requirements and Practices
2019 Addendum to the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement
Canada Research Chairs Program statistics page
Population-Based Institutional Equity Targets 2021 to 2029
Requirements for Recruiting and Nominating Canada Research Chairs
OCAD U’s Equity, diversity and inclusion progress report
In 2019-20, OCAD University was the recipient of a $50,000 EDI Stipend grant to support efforts to meet the equity, diversity and inclusion requirements of the Canada Research Chairs Program. View OCAD University's 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2022-23 EDI Stipend Reports for details about use of the grant and project outcomes.
Questions or concerns related to equity, diversity and inclusion
General questions or concerns related to equity, diversity and/or inclusion at OCAD University
Cathy Cappon
Manager, Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability Initiatives
416-977-6000, Ext. 2205
Questions or concerns related to EDI in relation to OCAD University research and Canada Research Chairs
Heather Robson
Director, Research Services
Ashok Mathur
Vice-President, Research & Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Monitoring and addressing EDI concerns
OCAD University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy (RWLEP) recognizes that harassment and discrimination violate an individual’s human rights and that these actions run contrary to the University’s fundamental values. OCAD University will act promptly to address this conduct and will ensure that individuals are able to express concerns and register complaints without fear of reprisal.
The RWLEP protects all OCAD University students, employees, volunteers, visitors, and contractors. Individuals are encouraged to contact the Office of Diversity, Equity & Sustainability Initiatives (ODESI) to confidentially ask a question, raise a concern, or seek assistance on how to address an issue.
For more information about how EDI questions or concerns are handled and reported to senior management, please visit Building a Culture of Human Rights at OCAD U (PDF).
OCAD University’s equity targets
The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) requires that, using the program's methodology, all participating institutions establish equity targets to address systemic barriers to participation in the program for individuals from the four designated groups as identified by the CRCP: Indigenous Peoples, racialized minorities, persons with disabilities, and women.
To view a copy of OCAD University's equity targets for 2021 to 2029, please visit OCAD University CRC Equity Target Plan 2021-2029 (PDF).
To protect the privacy of chairholders, and in keeping with the requirements of the Canada Research Chairs Program for reporting data wherein the numbers are less than five, the University is required to withhold data about the institution’s equity targets and gaps for each of the four designated groups. The Canada Research Chairs Program publishes information about the program’s equity target data on an annual basis.
Policies that govern the staffing of Canada Research Chairs at OCAD U
For more information about policies and collective agreements that govern the staffing process for Canada Research Chair positions, please refer to Memorandum of Understanding: Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (PDF) and Memorandum of Agreement Between OCAD University and OCADFA 2016-2020(PDF).
Learn more about current and archived advertisements for CRC positions at OCAD U.
OCAD U's Canada Research Chair allocations
For details regarding the number of CRC allocations OCAD University currently has, how many are filled, and by which chairholders, please refer to OCAD University’s CRCP Utilization Spreadsheet. Learn more about the Canada Research Chair Program's requirements for recruiting and nominating Chairs, and learn about active and archived CRC advertisements.