Violence Support
What to Do if You Have Experienced Sexual or Gender-Based Violence
Sexual violence is broad and includes a range of behaviours, such as sexual assault, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism, sexual exploitation, and others.
Different experiences may suggest different courses of action. Contact the Sexual Violence Response Team (SVRT) for help understanding your options and next steps, and for assistance in navigating the supports and services available to you.
Go to a safe space
Go somewhere you can feel safe and comfortable, like your own home, a friend’s place or with family. You can also go to the hospital or a shelter or contact the SVRT for support. You may also want to consider contacting the municipal police.
Get medical attention
Even if you do not see or feel any injuries, it is important to get medical attention. Specialized care is available at local Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centres.
Reach out for support
Consider seeking support from someone you trust such as a friend, co-worker or family member. The SVRT is also here for you. We provide referrals to on- and off-campus resources like counsellors, distress lines, group counselling, and more.
You may want both short- and longer-term support. Some people find therapy helpful. Others choose to connect to their faith community or to other cultural resources. We can help you find the right people to support your own healing.
OCADU Commitment to Prevention, Response, Support and Education
OCAD U’s Policy on Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-based Violence recognizes your experience as a survivor of sexual violence is valid and may require support. The university understands that anyone can be subjected to sexual violence regardless of gender, sexual identity, disability status, age or race and acknowledges that instances of sexual violence disproportionately affect women and trans/gender non-conforming individuals.
OCAD University's Policy on Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence was developed with extensive community consultation in collaboration with the OCAD Student Union and aligns with provincial legislation and regulations. OCAD University provides annual reports to its Board of Governors as part of this policy:
Sexual Violence Response Team
We encourage you to reach out to the SVRT You can disclose an incident, seek counseling or accommodation, or obtain information about making a formal complaint. Our team is here to listen, support, and assist you through every step of the process. To contact the SVRT email:
Get Involved
We believe that preventing sexual violence and gender-based violence is a collective effort. We are committed to educating our university community about sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response by providing education and awareness training to students, faculty, and staff. Together, we can create a safer and more inclusive campus for everyone. To get involved in our Sexual Violence Working Group, reach out to

Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres are hospital-based centres located across Ontario that provide 24/7 emergency care to women, children and men who have been sexually assaulted or who are victims or survivors of domestic violence (intimate partner) abuse. Read more...
Care Centres can also collect forensic evidence. Evidence collection will not initiate a report to police or the University. For evidence collection:
- It is best to visit a Care Centre within 72 hours.
- Try to refrain from changing or taking a shower to preserve evidence.
It may still be possible to collect some evidence even if more than 72 hours have passed or you have showered and changed.
On-campus support
Student Wellness Centre
416-977-6000, Ext. 260
230 Richmond St. W., 6th Floor
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Urgent same-day appointments are available.
Even if you’re unsure what your options are, or what your next step should be, Student Wellness staff will discuss all options with you in a confidential, non-judgmental and safe environment. Staff will provide information on internal and external supports and services, coordinate academic accommodations, outline options for reporting the incident and formal complaint options through the university’s Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-based Violence policy. You will be respected and supported in whatever decisions you make about next steps. A student is not required to make a report or file a complaint about an incident of sexual violence in order to obtain support or accommodations from the university.
Academic accommodations
Your experience may affect your participation and ability to focus on your courses at OCAD U. In such cases, the Student Wellness Centre will help facilitate academic accommodations such as extensions on assignments, exam deferrals or late withdrawal from courses. These accommodations will be facilitated without providing detail about your experience to your instructors.
Safety & Security Services
Emergencies: 416-977-6000, Ext. 511
or pick up the closest red phone on campus to be immediately connected
Non-emergency: 416-977-6000, Ext. 366
Safety & Security Services staff are trained to respond to sexual assault disclosures. They will support members of the OCAD U community who wish to report a sexual assault either to the Toronto Police or internally through the Policy on Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-based Violence. Safety & Security Services can also work with you to develop a personal safety plan.
Through the Safety & Security Services Walk Safe Program, a personal security escort can be arranged 10 minutes prior to departure to walk you to or from the subway station/streetcar stops, parking facilities, between buildings on campus, inside buildings when changing locations, as well as to the Student Wellness Centre or nearby supports.
Contact Us
For more information about our Sexual Violence Response and Support or if you need assistance, please contact us at

If you are on campus and you — or anyone else — is at immediate risk of harm:
Contact 911 and OCAD U Safety & Security
at 416-977-6000, Ext. 511
or pick up any red phone to be immediately connected
Student Wellness Centre
416-977-6000, Ext. 260
Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Are you safe?
If the perpetrator is at risk of harming you or others, contact 911 immediately and get to somewhere safe.
If you do not feel safe in your home, arrange to stay with friends or contact emergency housing services.
If you are having suicidal thoughts and/or think you may harm yourself or someone else, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.
If you are having trouble discerning how you feel or what you need, contact OCAD U’s Student Wellness Centre, or any of the helplines or mental health services available in the community.