Degree completion
OCAD University is committed to giving all alums an opportunity to convert their AOCA or AOCAD diploma (1997-2002) to either a BFA or B.Des. degree.
To apply to a BFA completion program, applicants must have graduated from the Faculty of Art, or a Fine Art program; to apply to the B.Des. completion program, applicants must have graduated from the Faculty of Design, or a Design program.

Degree completion programs
OCAD University offers its diploma program graduates the opportunity to return to OCAD U to complete a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) or Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) degree. We've developed a program where graduates can convert their associate of OCA/OCAD diploma to a degree by completing additional credits within the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
Alums can apply to enter a degree completion program for either a BFA or B.Des. degree, depending on which program they initially graduated from at OCAD U. The degree completion program provides a broad liberal education that complements the art and design studio focus of the AOCA/AOCAD diploma.
Through a curriculum common to both BFA and the B.Des. degree programs, students are exposed to history and theory in a range of subject areas that deepen and broaden their educational experience. In addition to courses in history and theory of visual culture, students are required to complete courses in English, humanities, social sciences and science/technology/mathematics.
Courses are offered through the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and challenge students to expand their intellectual interests through addressing recent scholarship, new approaches to concept and methodology, and critical writing and thinking skills. Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty are recognized leaders in their fields through their publications, writing, curatorial and cultural practices, and bring a broad-based knowledge and specialized expertise in art and design history, contemporary theory and criticism, English literature, social sciences and science.
What you need to complete a degree
To convert your diploma to a degree, you need to complete 5.0 liberal studies credits in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences. At least 2.0 of these credits must be completed at the third- and/or fourth-year levels. Programs have evolved over the years, and the additional courses that you're required to complete will ensure that you have covered a breadth of material that reflects the current learning objectives of OCAD U's degree programs. Up to 2.5 credits of the degree-eligible liberal studies courses completed for your diploma can be credited towards your degree.
Benefits of degree completion at OCAD U
- Opportunities for personal enrichment and professional development
- Opportunity to explore the most up-to-date approaches, research and conceptual frameworks
- Courses to fit your interests and areas of specialization
- Preparation for graduate studies, careers in education, critical practice and more
- Flexible schedules permitting working students to study at night and/or during summer
Degree requirements
Completion of 5.0 credits designated for degree in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences to include:
- 1.0 credit first year History and Theory of Visual Culture: VISC-1001 and VISC-1002
- 2.0 credits History and Theory of Visual Culture (VISA, VISC, VISD, VISM)
- 0.5 credit English (ENGL)
- 0.5 credit Humanities (HUMN)
- 0.5 credit Science/Technology/Mathematics (SCTM)
- 0.5 credit Social Sciences (SOSC)
Alums who have completed degree-eligible liberal studies credits for their diploma at OCAD U may apply up to 2.5 of these credits towards the degree requirements. Courses completed prior to 1993 are not degree-eligible.
A minimum of half of the credits required for degree completion, as determined at the time of admission, must be completed at OCAD U.
Alums admitted to the degree completion program who require 5.0 credits must complete all of these requirements within a maximum of 6.5 credit attempts. The number of credit attempts will be prorated for students granted transfer credits. For example, alums granted 2.5 transfer credits must pass at least 2.5 credits to be graduated, within a maximum of 3.5 credit attempts.
Eligibility and application process
To apply to a BFA completion program, applicants must have graduated from the Faculty of Art, or a Fine Art program; to apply to the B.Des. completion program, applicants must have graduated from the Faculty of Design, or a Design program.
Fine Art Programs
Criticism & Curatorial Practice; Drawing & Painting/Fine Arts - Drawing & Painting; Experimental Arts (Drawing & Painting, Inter-media); Fine Arts, General Studies/Interdisciplinary Studies; Integrated Media/New Media; Photography/Photovision; Printmaking; Sculpture/Installation; Applied Art and Design (Ceramics, Glass, Jewellery, Surface Design/Print, Textiles, Material Art & Design (Ceramics, Fibre, Jewellery, Jewellery/Metalsmithing, Surface Design/Print, Textiles)*
Design Programs
Communication & Design (Advertising, Graphic Design, Illustration), Design; Environmental Design; Industrial Design; Applied Art and Design (Ceramics, Glass, Jewellery, Surface Design/Print, Textiles, Material Art & Design (Ceramics, Fibre, Jewellery, Jewellery/Metalsmithing, Surface Design/Print, Textiles)*
*Graduates from the Applied Art & Design/Material Art & Design programs may apply for either the BFA or the B.Des.
An Application to Degree Program for Alumni (PDF) must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar, along with a non-refundable application fee of $245.
Application deadlines
To begin studies in the Spring/summer Term: First Friday of November (of the previous year)
To begin studies in the Fall Term: First Friday in February
Academic progression
All students are subject to the academic policies and procedures established by the University. To ensure satisfactory academic progress, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the degree program in which they are registered, as outlined in OCAD U's current Fall/Winter Course Calendar.
Full-time and part-time status and registration restrictions are outlined online under Policies.
Tuition and fees
Course fees are published online prior to the start of each session.
Prior learning assessment
A. Transfer Credit
Students who have attended a recognized, approved, accredited or otherwise equivalent post-secondary institution may apply for transfer of credit.
- Courses with a minimum final grade of 60% to 70% (depending on the type of institution) will be considered for transfer of credit.
- Contact hours must be equivalent to the 36 contact hours for 0.5 credit OCAD U courses, with a minimum of three weeks of instruction.
- The minimum credit granted for transfer is equivalent to 0.5.
Requests for transfer of credit must be submitted at the same time as the application to degree program. Transfer of credit is subject to OCAD U's published residency requirements. Applicants must submit the following documentation:
- Official transcript
- Detailed course outlines (syllabi)
An Application for Transfer of Credit (PDF) must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar, along with the application to degree program.
Transfer of credit through Letters of Permission is subject to OCAD U's residency requirements. Application must be made to the Office of the Registrar office by the deadlines published in Dates & Deadlines.
B. Course Challenge
Students who can demonstrate that they have acquired – through informal or unconventional means – the knowledge covered by a specific course may apply for Course Challenge, subject to the following:
- Students may normally challenge no more than 2.0 credits (subject to residency requirements).
- Not all courses can be challenged. Please consult with the Faculty of Arts & Science.
- Students must present evidence of prior learning and receive permission to challenge a course for credit from the Dean (or designate) of the Faculty of Arts & Science.
- Credits gained through Course Challenge cannot be used to fulfill residency requirements.
- Students who are successful in challenging a course for credit will receive a grade of P on their transcript. The grade of P has no numerical equivalent and is not included in the calculation of grade point average. The grade of P may not be applied in any way toward application for scholarships, bursaries or loans.
- Credit will only be awarded for work meeting the standard expected of students who successfully complete the course with a grade of 65% or better.
- Students may not challenge a course for credit if they have previously registered in that course or its equivalent at OCAD U or another university. Exceptions to this rule will be made for students who have withdrawn within the first two weeks of a course or whose former university no longer possesses the official records required for Transfer Credit.
Students apply for Course Challenge through the Office of the Registrar at the time of admission. Applicants must complete appropriate advising as determined by the Faculty of Arts & Science. The Faculty will determine the appropriate mode(s) of assessment for the course(s), e.g., examination, dossier, portfolio, demonstration, interview, and/or presentation. Students with previous teaching experience in the area will be assessed based on: a dossier (including resumé and course outlines); a structured interview; an examination (if further evidence is required by the course instructor). The Course Challenge fee (50% of the regular course fee plus a $100 assessment fee) must accompany the Course Challenge Agreement Form. These fees are non-refundable. Students may challenge the same course only once.
Once you have completed all course requirements with good academic standing, you are eligible to graduate. You must submit your Intent to Graduate form and the required fee by the published deadlines. Fall graduates normally participate in the following spring ceremony. You will be required to return your AOCA or AOCAD diploma to the University to be able to receive your undergraduate degree. Since the degree is based in part on the courses that you completed for your diploma, you cannot hold the two designations concurrently.

There is no minimum overall evaluation average necessary. Applicants must have graduated from one of OCAD U's diploma (Art or Design) programs or majors.
You'll need to complete the application and submit it with the appropriate fee.
You may choose to apply to either the BFA or B.Des. program.
It is usual and acceptable academic practice that credits cannot be used to fulfill two separate diplomas/degrees.
You'll be required to turn in your AOCA/AOCAD diploma just prior to receiving your degree.
No, alums will not lose their AOCA/AOCAD status if they do not complete the degree requirements.
Course requirements vary based on how long ago liberal studies credits were completed. Degree completion will represent the same body of knowledge that current students are acquiring over their four years at OCAD U.
You can apply for prior learning assessment (Course Challenge) if you can demonstrate that you have acquired knowledge covered by a specific course.
You can request transfer of credit for relevant courses completed at another university, to a maximum of half of the credits required for degree completion. For example, if you completed 2.5 liberal studies at OCAD U for your diploma and require 2.5 credits to complete degree requirements, you can request transfer of credit for up to 1.0 credit. Remember to submit your application for transfer of credit with your application for admission to the degree completion program.
By comparing course descriptions, faculty from the appropriate disciplines are able to determine course equivalencies.
An undergraduate degree, such as OCAD U's BFA or B.Des., is the basic entrance requirement for Teacher's College. There are other considerations made by various institutions. The number of teaching subjects necessary depends on what level you intend to teach. You're advised to connect with a student advisor or counsellor at the Teacher's College you have in mind for further advice about teaching in the Ontario public school system.
OCAD U students graduating with the undergraduate degree are eligible to apply to any graduate program anywhere in the world.
Liberal studies credits obtained while earning your diploma cannot be used to reduce the number of total credits needed to complete your degree. All students must complete the required number of credits.