The Vice-President, Research (VPR) is responsible for the overall research environment of OCAD University, which includes working with public and private partners as well as supporting faculty, students, and the general community in their professional practices. The VPR works closely with the three federal research funding agencies including appointment as the OCAD U representative of the SSHRC Leadership team. The VPR oversees the development and implementation of policies and procedures surrounding research grants and partnerships at the university including support for applications and post-award administration.
Broadly, this mandate involves oversight of research infrastructure, Canada Research Chairs, domestic and international research partnerships with private industry and the public sector, support for faculty development in independent and collaborative research practices, compliance with research ethics and legislated requirements by all faculty and students, and financial operations of the Office of Research & Innovation.
The position also includes liaison with the government and connections to governing bodies, including the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) Canada, the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), and membership in the Ontario Council on University Research (OCUR).

Ashok Mathur, Ph.D.
Vice-President, Research
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies