About Dr. Sara Diamond, C.M., O.ONT, R.C.A., ICD.D
Dr. Sara Diamond, C.M., Order of Canada, ICD.D, RCA was OCAD University’s President and Vice-Chancellor for 15 years with her tenure ending on June 30, 2020.
A visionary leader, Dr. Diamond led OCAD University to retain and expand its traditional strengths in undergraduate art and design education while transforming it to become a leader in graduate education, research and digital media. She led collaborative efforts to strengthen equity and diversity at OCAD U, and to support Indigenous cultures, research and decolonization. Believing in the value of a cosmopolitan and accessible campus Dr. Diamond oversaw significant growth in the university’s Canadian and international student population and the expansion of services to support student and alumni success such as the Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers. Diamond expanded the OCAD University campus to include its Richmond Street and waterfront campuses.
Upon ending her term as President and Vice-Chancellor, OCAD University appointed Dr. Diamond President Emerita, in recognition of her long and distinguished service to the University. Dr. Diamond is a faculty member of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Interdisciplinary Studies where she teaches courses on civic democracy, artificial intelligence, and data visualization. She leads major research initiatives including as University Research Chair, and as director of the OCAD U’s Visual Analytics Lab, focused on cultural analytics, urban planning, AI and data visualization.
Recent recognition includes Senior Fellow Massey College, U of Toronto, a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, Simon Fraser University, and an Honourary Degree from Humber College; the Exceptional Woman of Excellence Women’s Economic Forum; and Inspiring 50: Advancement of diversity of STEM fields, Government of Netherlands, and Senate of Canada; and two digital media pioneer awards. She is a Senior Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto and a member of the International Women’s Forum. She is chair of the Toronto Arts Foundation board and the Baycrest Academy for Research and Education board with its focus on aging and brain health.

Beginning her presidency in 2005, Diamond led OCAD University to retain its traditional strengths in art and design, while transforming the university to become a leader in science and technology, with capacities in digital media, design research and curriculum. She initiated and funding the Digital Futures Initiative and the Digital Media Research and Innovation Institute, supported OCAD U’s unique research in Inclusive Design and Design for Health. She collaborated with Indigenous colleagues to develop the Indigenous Visual Culture Program, with correlative prioritization of Indigenous knowledge and culture at OCAD U. Diamond founded and led the international Banff New Media Institute from 1995 – 2005, establishing research and commercialization summits of artists, designers, scientists and companies, practice based and research workshops, creative co-productions, laboratories and research in new media.
Diamond led three strategic plans with resulting scorecards and metrics, new vision and mission, brand development, related academic, research, capital and digital infrastructure strategies and implementation plans, multi-year forecasts. She stablished OCAD University Richmond Street Campus including three buildings, and its professional gallery. She raised funds and supported the planning for transformation of McCaul Street’s refurbished and new Creative City Campus, including the new Rosalie Sharp Pavilion at 115 McCaul Street, the George Reid refresh, and the upgrade of the Fabrication Centre. She initiated and led the successful creation of the 14,000 square foot Campus for the Connected World in the Daniels’ City of the Arts on Toronto’s waterfront. She developed the Mirvish/Great Gulf/Gehry project with 25,000 square feet of new space which will open in the future. Diamond successfully led a $60 million five-year campaign, surpassing goal with $70 million in four years. She led initiatives to increase Indigenous and racialized faculty and staff numbers, including a successful cluster hire of interdisciplinary Indigenous faculty members and second cluster hire of Black design faculty. Diamond created a strong network of partnerships for OCAD University in Toronto, nationally and internationally in the cultural sector, design industries, ICT industries, health sector and government. Diamond established OCAD U as a leader in crucial policy campaigns, including public art, design policy, new media and digital transformation, Smart City planning.
Diamond developed international capacity in art + technology design and ArtSci research in collaboration with institutions, industry, and independent artists/designer in Canada and abroad. She has led or co-led large-scale Canadian and international research networks in data visualization, wearable technologies, mobile technology and content and collaborative systems, most recently as co-principal investigator of the iCity2.0-Urban Data Science for Future Mobility, co-chair of the Research Planning Committee Abundant Intelligences: Expanding Artificial Intelligence through Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Earlier efforts included the Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN), Am-I-Able, Centre for Information Visualization and Design, BRAIN (big data analytics); and iCity (Visualization theme). She has led the Visual Analytics Laboratory at OCAD University since its inception over a decade ago and holds funding from NSERC, SSHRC, the Ontario Centers of Excellence, Ontario Research Excellence Fund and MITACS. She led public policy research projects that provide advice on mobile content, access and technology; public art; and interdisciplinary pedagogy and diversity. Diamond continues to publish peer reviewed articles on media arts histories, data visualization and data-driven urban planning.
She was a member of the GRAND National Centre of Excellence board of directors. She was an academic research reviewer for Ireland, a member of the Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology, of the Canadian Council of the Academies; has chaired SSHRC panels, juried Digging into Data, CFI, NSERC and EU Framework grants. She served as a member of the Council of the Canadian Academies State of Science and Technology in Canada review, 2012. She was Chair of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council Impact Awards Committee and Insight Digital Economy Awards Committee. Diamond served as university research representative on Brazil-Canada Joint Committee, ICT. Diamond developed OCAD University post- doctoral research program and supervised 12 post-doctoral researchers and over 80 research assistants since 2005.
Please see attached record of grants and publications.
Diamond initiated and co-chaired (with RBC and Deloitte) the Mobile Experience Innovation Centre: an industry-academic consortium for research, commercialization, outreach, training, and incubation for the dynamic mobile field. She initiated OCAD U’s unique Imagination Catalyst, which is a design-led incubator that includes the venture- supported Imagination Catalyst Fund. She initiated the creation of OCADU.CO a commercialization entity for the university that launched in 2019. She supported the development of many Canadian digital media and ICT companies and start-ups through the activities of the Banff New Media Institute, the Banff New Media Accelerator, the Interactive Project Laboratory and OCAD U’s Imagination Catalyst. She provided a year of design training for the National Research Council.
Diamond’s new media art practice began in creative neural network design, information visualization, “software art”, collaborative performance and wearable art through CodeZebraOS project as early as the 1997. Before that time, she was an internationally recognized artist in experimental media, video art and interdisciplinary cultural expression, with major exhibitions such as a solo show at the Vancouver Art Gallery, a retrospective at National Gallery of Canada, Biennale of Sydney, Museum of Modern Art, NYC, etc. (1980-2005). She has curated large-scale new media exhibitions around the world. Diamond has curated significant exhibitions over many years, for example, video art and documentary at VIVO, Vancouver, new media shows at the Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff; international exhibitions at the Millennium Museum in Beijing and was elected as President of the International Jury of the Dak’Art Biennial of African Art.
As a member of a settler culture, Diamond has provided long-term support for Indigenous arts, culture and rights in Canada through Video In, Vancouver; support of the initiation and creation of Aboriginal Arts, The Banff Centre; support for the Indigenous Visual Culture Program, and creation of Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Visual Culture and Curatorial Practice. OCAD University; Academic Plan supporting indigenous culture and knowledge at OCAD University and process of decolonization, including the Indigenous cluster hiring initiative; strengthening the Indigenous Educational Council and support to students. She collaborates as a participating researcher in the international Abundant Intelligences: Expanding Artificial Intelligence through Indigenous Knowledge
Systems, including OCAD U and York U led A Dish with One Spoon A Dish with One Spoon ––Towards “Generous AI” Invention and Collaboration.
Diamond is a Thought Leader and consultant for Lord Cultural Resources where she provides strategic planning and foresight advice for cultural organizations including archives and higher education, and digital transformation strategies. She was a member of the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation.
In collaboration with the University of Toronto, 2017 Diamond led independent research on the history and current policy and practices in the realm of public art which resulted in policy and practice recommendations to the City of Toronto. This policy resulted in the City of Toronto undertaking a review of its public arts policy and adopting many of the recommendations in Diamond and Silver’s Redefining Public Art in Toronto. ArtWorxTO, A Year of Public Art launched in 2022 as part of the pandemic build back. She has developed design policy and design as part of Canada’s super cluster strategy for Canada’s federal, and design policy for governments of Brazil, India, and Ontario. She has contributed to Canada’s digital strategy as a member of Industry Canada’s researcher roundtable and Canada’s Digital Economy roundtable; through the Canadian School of Public Service with partners Universities Canada and Deputy Ministers; Canada’s Digital Economy, participated in Industry Canada’s Digital Media Technology Road Map, was a member of Blue Ribbon Committee Advisor to Minister of Canadian Heritage on new media; was a member of the ICT eLearning and Human Capital Development Sub-Committee, Province of Alberta.
Diamond served on the Ontario Premier’s Interactive Digital Media Working Group.
She has developed policy for Mobile Technology, Services and Content: Taking Ontario Mobile with Vera Roberts provides analysis on a road map for Ontario and Canadian mobility. She has contributed to Cultural Policy: Ontario Ministry of Culture’s Minister’s Advisory Council on Arts & Culture; Cultural Industries SAGIT, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Heritage Canada; Governments of Finland, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Pittsburgh, USA. Status of the Artist: Federal Government’s National Action Committee on the Status of the Artist. Training in the Cultural Sector: Federal Government of Canada Task Force on Professional Training in the Cultural Sector in Canada; Chair, Presidents' Initiative in Cultural Sector Education and Research, Association of Universities and Colleges Canada. She has consulted on Cultural diversity: Cultural Diversity Task Force, Department of Canadian Heritage. She has helped to develop research policy (digital media, research/creation). She has also consulted on Sustainability: Climate Change Secretariat, Ontario; Greening the GTA Task Force.
Until 2019, Diamond was Canada’s only openly lesbian university or college president. During her early arts and documentary career she produced works about lesbian, gay and feminist issues and curated exhibitions, symposia, and educational events. In 1986 she received an award from the gay and lesbian community in recognition of her “outstanding contribution”. She is married to Kellie Marlowe, her partner since 1982.
Diamond has created the Crossing Fonds project an initiative that has created a digital platform to share archival resources across institutional, public, and community archives. She has built the Canadian Cultural Catalogue which provides access to cultural datasets across Canada. Diamond created the Banff New Media archives at The Banff Centre, working closely with Susan Kennard and Dr. Sarah Cook and the National Archives. This physical archive is a deep repository of the history of global new media/digital developments from 1995 – 2010 and includes digital samples with Alberta on Record. The publication Euphoria/Dystopia, the Banff New Media Institute draws from this archive. VIVO (Video In/Video Out) and Simon Fraser University provide access to Diamond’s personal and production company archives which document women and work in British Columbia, social movements in Western Canada, her own artistic, research and activist practice. Components of the archives are available online and the archives are now available for on-site use. http://www.vivomediaarts.com/archive/sara-diamond/
Diamond established and acted as Editor-in-Chief of http://www.horizonzero.ca, an online dialogue, exhibition, and critical environment dedicated to Canadian new media (2001-2004). She published Euphoria & Dystopia: the Banff New Media Dialogues, 2012; Taking Ontario Mobile, 2012-13; Redefining Public Art in Toronto, 2018; and has been a member of editorial boards, and contributed to multiple peer reviewed conference, journal, and book chapter publications, with over 150 publications. She is currently co-editing a special edition of the Digital Humanities Quarterly focused on collaboration between digital archives.
Diamond has provided many years of service on public boards. Currently she serves as the Chair of the board of the Toronto Arts Foundation, and Chair of the Baycrest Academy for Research and Education and serves on the boards of Baycrest Seniors Care and the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation. She is a member of the Government of Canada’s Service Advisory Council and served for two years on the Downsview Advisory Council.
She has served on advisory committees, task forces and juries such as the Vancouver Art Gallery; Chair, NAFTA joint committee on culture; Media Arts Advisory Committee, Canada Council; Vancouver Centennial Committee; Chair, Nuit Blanche Toronto, Advisory Committee; Chair Association of Canadian Institutions of Art + Design; Participant and Chair of Awards Jury, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; Participant Vanier Awards Jury; NextMedia/Banff International Television Festival Program Advisory Committee; Board of Directors, ORANO, ORION and SHARCNET (Ontario’s high speed networks), Board of Directors of National Centre of Excellence GRAND, Board of Directors IO (Interactive Ontario); iCanada Board of Governors; Board of Directors, EDIT Design Biennial Advisory Committee; Canadian Women in Communication; Board of Directors, Zerofootprint Board of Directors;
She served on the Ontario Ministry of Culture’s Advisory Council on Arts & Culture and the Canadian Art Summit organizing committee and participated on the Sidewalk Labs Toronto Advisory and Public Realm Committees. She served for three years on the Advisory Board of the Canadian Art Summit. She served for 16 years as the Chair of Nuit Blanche Toronto Advisory Committee and was Co-Chair of Toronto’s ArtWorxTO Year of Public Art advisory committee; a member of Toronto’s Smart City Working Group.
Diamond has provided multiple terms in support of the larger university community through membership on the Standing Advisory Committee on University Research (SACUR) member of the Standing Advisory Committee on International Relations (SACIR) of the Universities Canada. She led a national campaign to strengthen arts and design education and research within Universities Canada and to build research funding. She acted as Vice-Chair of the Council of Ontario Universities, Chair of the Standing Committee on Relationships with Other Postsecondary Institutions for the Council of Ontario Universities and a member of the COU executive. She participated in the Mellon Foundation’s University Social Infrastructure Strategic Planning team. She chaired the Association of Canadian Institutions of Art + Design (ACIAD) beginning in 2009. She was a member of the Executive of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design. She has provided program reviews for multiple institutions such as Carnegie-Mellon, Rensaeller Polytechnique, York University, McMaster University and others.
- ICD.D Directors Education Program, Institute of Corporate Directors and Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Director Designation
- PHD Computing, IT and Engineering, University of East London, SMARTLab, CodeZebraOS, A Tool for Online Collaborative Dialogue
- Masters in Performative New Media Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London, SmartLab Centre.
- Bachelor of Arts, Honours, History and Communication, Simon Fraser University.
- 2020 -: President Emerita, OCAD University, Faculty member Faculty Liberal Arts & Science and School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University Research Chair
- 2005 -June 30, 2020: President, Ontario College of Art and Design University
- 2023 – Present, Adjunct Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Art and Technology, Simon Fraser University
- 2003 – 2005 Director of Research, The Banff Centre.
- 1997 – 2015 CEO CodeZebra Inc.
- 1994-2005: Founding Director, Banff New Media Institute
- 1994-2004: Artistic Director, Media and Visual Arts, Executive Producer, New Media, and Television.
- 1992-1994: Director of Television and Video, The Banff Centre.
- 1990 -2020: Adjunct Professor, UCLA, Design/Media.
- 2011-2024 Adjunct Professor, University College Dublin.
- 1985 -1992: Instructor, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design. Art, Foundation, Media Arts and Critical Studies Depts.
- 1990 -1992: Instructor and Program Leader, California Institute for the Art, Video Program, Art Dept.
- 1983 -1990: Instructor, Capilano College, North Vancouver, Canada, Labour History.
- 1980 – 1995: CEO: Women’s Labour History Project
- 2023: Honorary Degree, Humber College
- 2020: Exceptional Leaders of Excellence Award, Women’s Economic Forum
- 2020: Doctor of Science, honoris causa, Simon Fraser University
- 2020: Exceptional Women of Excellence, Women’s Economic Forum
- 2019: Order of Canada, C.M.
- 2019: Digital Media Pioneer, Toronto, April 2019.
- 2018: Inspiring 50: Advancement of diversity of STEM fields, Government of Netherlands, and Senate of Canada
- 2017: Canada 150 Women: Leaders, Champions and Luminarie
- 2014: Toronto Life’s 50 Most Influential
- 2014: Senior Fellow, Massey College, University of Toronto
- 2013: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for significant contributions to Canada
- 2013: Digital Media Pioneer, GRAND National Centre of Excellence
- 2012: Order of Ontario
- 2009: Nominated and inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Art
- 2009: Honoured as one of Canada’s 50 leading artists, Canada Council for the Arts