Today’s fast-evolving world

At OCAD U, we acknowledge a simple truth: the world needs creative solutions. It’s why every dollar raised is empowering us to broaden our impact in today’s fast-evolving world.

Art and design have evolved beyond aesthetics into a fundamental strategy for solving complex, interdisciplinary problems. We teach students to innovate and to solve the big problems of our time. They bridge the skills gap in a variety of sectors including manufacturing, technology, finance, automotive and creative industries.

A person working with clay on a sculpture.
A student sitting on the floor painting with green paint.

Our graduates work in all fields, from urban planning to advertising, industrial design, illustration and health care. Art and design are everywhere, and their applications are all around us.

A student sitting on the floor painting with green paint.
A person working with clay on a sculpture.
Students sitting in an auditorium.

Your donations support OCAD U by creating new opportunities to deliver exceptional, hands-on education to our students. Donations provide students with the tools, technology and training the need to advance culture, industry and health design, supporting career-ready graduates who will make jobs as well as fill them. 

OCAD U alums have shaped Canada and the world for generations. We are more than a traditional university - we are a major cultural force and city-builder. 

Students sitting in an auditorium.
A student wearing a motion capture suit on a green background.