Fourth-Year Awards & Medals Program

Awards recognize achievement at the fourth-year level in each program major, normally through a juried competition at the end of each academic year. They are based on a combination of criteria, and are given as cash awards. Application is required.

OCAD U's Medals are given for each program at the fourth-year level and graduate studies level. Undergraduate students must submit an application to the Fourth-Year Awards Program to be considered for OCAD U Medals. Graduate students do not need to apply. Winners are highlighted at Grad Ex and medals are formally presented at OCAD U's annual Convocation ceremony.

Governor General's Academic Medals

The Governor General’s Academic Medals were first awarded in 1873 by the Earl of Dufferin, and have since become one of the most prestigious awards a student in a Canadian educational institution can receive. 

Silver (undergraduate) and gold (graduate) medals are awarded to students who achieve the highest academic standing on graduating. No application is required for the Governor General's Academic Medals.

Awards at OCAD U

Faculty of Arts & Science

Creative Writing
Digital Futures
Indigenous Visual Culture
Visual & Critical Studies

Faculty of Design

Environmental Design
Industrial Design
Graphic Design
Material Art & Design

Faculty of Art

Criticism and Curatorial Practice
Cross-disciplinary Art: Life Studies and Cross-disciplinary Art: Publications
Drawing & Painting / Drawing & Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation (DPXA)
Experimental Animation
Integrated Media / Integrated Media: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation (IMXA)
Printmaking / Publications
Sculpture / Installation