The FCDC supports faculty and instructors in creating accessible, inclusive and engaging learning environments and experiences across all modes of course delivery. Throughout the academic year, we facilitate programming and services that include workshops, info sessions, community events and communities of practice. We provide one-to-one consultations to OCAD U faculty, instructors and teaching assistants to support all aspects of course design and delivery, including student engagement, learning and assignment design, assessment, and teaching strategies across all modes of delivery and course types. 

Our Centre also offers support and resources for faculty professional learning and development to foster a culture of reflective practice, continuous learning and knowledge exchange.

Teaching Awards

OCAD University's Teaching Awards celebrate teaching at the university and are presented annually in recognition of outstanding faculty, instructors and teaching assistants who employ equitable, inclusive and innovative teaching methods that provide deeply meaningful learning experiences for students. The awards include institutional- and Faculty-level recognition, as well as a Teaching Assistant (TA) award. Institutional-level awards acknowledge sustained and ongoing contributions and leadership in teaching and include the prestigious Price Award for Leadership in Teaching presented in honour of J.H. and Mamie Price.

The nomination process for OCAD U’s Teaching Awards is jointly facilitated by the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost (VPAP) and the Faculty & Curriculum Development Centre (FCDC). Inquiries about the awards can be directed to

Annual Awards Timeline

  • Mid-February to March: Call for Nominations open for approximately six weeks
  • May: Awards Shortlist announced; Call for Additional Support open for the month
  • Mid-August: Teaching Awards recipients officially announced


View the comprehensive list of past OCAD U Teaching Awards Recipients (PDF) and read about the recent award recipients.