WLC staff develop research-informed resources and undertake scholarly research in writing pedagogy, linguistics, critical disability studies and art & design education. You can explore some of these below.

Generative AI as Threat/Opportunity? Critical AI Literacy in the Fine Arts Classroom
Emilie Brancato and Lori Riva
In this talk and interactive activity using Generative AI tools (Chat GPT/Dall-E), Brancato and Riva (OCAD University) suggested cocreation of critical AI literacy as an effective strategy to navigate both the ethical challenges and creative possibilities of GAI.
February 2024 – Fine Arts Department, University of Waterloo.
Navigating Generative AI in Art and Design Education: Policy, Pedagogy and Creative Practice
Emilie Brancato, Lori Riva, Adam Tindale
Through examination of the critical affordances, creative explorations and ethical challenges generative AI (GAI) presents, this cross-disciplinary panel advocated for critical yet creative responses to GAI within decolonial and anti-racist frameworks.
November 2023 – The Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD), Art Academy of Cincinatti.
Generative AI and Anti-racist Writing and Language-Teaching Pedagogies
Emilie Brancato
As part of roundtable: “This was (not) written by AI: On the panic, power, and possibilities of twenty-first century text generation.”
May 2023 – Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing (CASDW), Congress of the Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, Canada.
Decolonizing English for art and design: Pushing against regimes of normativity through a transcultural approach.
Shahriar Mirshahidi, Emilie Brancato
May 2023 – Paper presented at Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics (CAAL) Conference, Congress of the Humanities & Social Sciences, Toronto, Canada.
Destabilizing disciplinarity through the creative disciplines: Towards a disruptive writing pedagogy and practice.
Susan Ferguson, Emilie Brancato, and Stephanie Dayes
May 2019 – Roundtable session at the meeting of the Canadian Writing Centres Association (CWCA), Emily Carr University of Art and Design Education, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Writing, Making, connecting: Collaborative Inquiry and Writing Across the Curriculum in an Art and Design Context.
Cary DiPietro, Susan Ferguson, and Emilie Brancato
April 2018 – Presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, New York.
Writing as Making: positioning a WAC initiative to bridge academic discourse and studio learning.
Cary DiPietro, Susan Ferguson, and Roderick Grant
May 2017 – Presented at the meeting for the Canadian Association for the Studies of Discourse and Writing (CASDW), Ryerson University, Toronto.
A Tale of Collaboration in Workshop Development and Delivery
Rebecca Diederichs
May 2015 – Exchange Session presented at the Learning Specialists Association Conference (LSAC) Conference, Guelph, Ontario.
Permanent Resources
Course: Arriving at Indigenous Knowledges: Decolonial Approaches for English Language Learners
Published by: Phoebe Wang, Michelle Majeed, Natasha Holmes
eCampus Ontario: Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) collection Original Publish Date: February 28, 2022 (V.03 – October 2023)
This 4-part asynchronous online course, is designed for domestic and international English Language Learning (ELL) students entering or currently enrolled in post-secondary studies. It introduces a history of Canada and Turtle Island through Indigenous knowledges and concepts. Learn from recorded interviews and presentations from Indigenous knowledge keepers, writers, artists, designers, and creators. The course also provides vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening strategies to support students as they continue to develop their academic English fluency.
Caption edited for website with Bing Co-pilot.
Access the course through the eCampusOntario website - here.
All current OCAD University students can access this course via Canvas Cloud. For any inquiries regarding the course, Arriving at Indigenous Knowledges: Decolonial Approaches for English Language Learners, please contact