The Vice-President, Academic and Provost is responsible for the overall academic enterprise of OCAD University, which includes the provision of direction and support to the Faculties of Art, Design, and Arts & Science, as well as the School of Graduate Studies, the Writing & Learning Centre and Faculty & Curriculum Development Centre, Library Services, and the various units that comprise the portfolio of Student Affairs. The University Senate and the University’s Institutional Quality Assurance Process also fall under the portfolio of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost. Broadly, the mandate of this office involves academic planning and the academic priorities of the University's Academic & Strategic Plan and includes responsibility for institutional analysis and budget planning. 

The Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost also administers particular activities such as adjunct professor appointments, emerit status appointments, faculty profesional development expense reimbursements, and final processes for sabbatical adjudication and tenure and promotion.

The Vice-President, Academic and Provost also liaises with the government and maintains connections to bodies such as the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), and is a member of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV).

Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost

Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost

Dr. Caroline Langill
Vice-President, Academic and Provost
416-977-6000, Ext. 3230

Loredana Infusini
Executive Assistant
416-977-6000, Ext. 2464

Natalie Nanton
Director, Academic Affairs & Senate Secretary

David Wagschal
Quality Assurance Officer & Associate Senate Secretary


Office of Institutional Analysis & Budget Planning

Laura Wood
Executive Director, Institutional Analysis & Budget Planning

Craig Porter
Senior Manager, Academic Planning

Omita Mansur
Manager, Budget Planning

James Roseborough
Senior Institutional Analyst