Lynne Milgram
Faculty of Arts & Science
Lynne Milgram’s research while rooted in gender studies and anthropology lends itself to a range of interdisciplinary collaborations. Analyzing the commoditization of local craft production and its contribution to household economies in Ifugao province, northern Philippines, Milgram’s doctoral research charted the criteria women artisans use to determine their differential engagement in cultivation, wage labour, and crafts (weaving, woodcarving, basketry). Subsequently investigating the socioeconomic and political impacts of microfinance development projects mounted throughout the Philippines, Milgram explored the relationship between the institutional claim to empowerment and the capacity of microfinance program structures to generate “real” opportunities for women. Further pursuing these issues but with regard to other emergent so-called “informal” spheres of women’s entrepreneurial work, Milgram analyzed Philippine women’s engagement in the global trade of second hand clothing, specifically that between the Philippines and Hong Kong, and women’s work as street vendors and public market traders. These enterprises straddle formal/informal and legal/illegal practice and are growing alternative arenas of labour and livelihood given increasing rural-to-urban migration and the lack of formal-sector jobs.
Milgram’s current Philippine research continues to problematize the concepts of informality, extralegality, governmentality, and social entrepreneurship regarding public market modernization and food provisioning systems in Baguio City, the northern region’s emergent Arabica coffee industry, and social entrepreneurs’ growing use of the internet to globally market artisanal production. Throughout her research, Milgram argues that producers (women and men) operationalize multiple work options to simultaneously negotiate their positions as sites of globally competitive economic activity and local struggles over state restructuring. Milgram makes her findings applicable for policy formation and implementation by government and non-government organizations seeking to support livelihood opportunities via a range of sustainable initiatives.
Social entrepreneurship and Arabica coffee production in the Northern Philippines: Navigating opportunities and constraints
Human Organization
Published: March 28th 2021
Fashioning frontiers in artisanal trade: social entrepreneurship and textile production in the Philippine Cordillera
South East Asia Research
Published: December 31st 2020
Gift-commodity entanglements: Repositioning (in)formality in a transnational Philippine market trade
Published: March 28th 2019
Informality and legality in women’s livelihoods in Baguio city
Routledge Handbook of the Contemporary Philippines
Published: March 28th 2018
Informality, advocacy, and governmentality in urbanizing Northern Philippine Cities: Baguio, Benguet and Dagupan, Pangasinan
Routledge Handbook of Urbanization in Southeast Asia
Published: March 28th 2018
Reclaiming materials and fashion-work in the urban philippines
The Force of Fashion in Politics and Society: Global Perspectives from Early Modern to Contemporary Times
Published: March 28th 2016
From street to store to shopping mall: Extralegal zones of commerce for pirated audio-visual goods in Baguio, The Philippines
Published: March 28th 2015
Food provisioning and wholesale agricultural co Mmodity chains in northern Vietnam
Human Organization
Published: March 28th 2014
Remapping the Edge: Informality and Legality in the Harrison Road Night Market, Baguio City, Philippines
City and Society
Published: March 28th 2014
From secondhand clothing to cosmetics: How Philippine-Hong Kong entrepreneurs fill gaps in cross-border trade
Globalization from Below: The World's Other Economy
Published: March 28th 2012
Reconfiguring margins: Secondhand clothing and Street vending in the Philippines
Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture
Published: March 28th 2012
Tangled fields: Rethinking positionality and ethics in research on women's work in a Hong Kong-Philippine trade
Critical Arts
Published: March 28th 2012
Reconfiguring space, mobilizing livelihood: Street vending, legality, and work in the philippines
Journal of Developing Societies
Published: March 28th 2011
From trash to totes: Recycled production and cooperative economy practice in the Philippines
Human Organization
Published: March 28th 2010
Negotiating urban activism: Women, vending and the transformation of streetscapes in the urban Philippines
Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia's Cities
Published: March 28th 2009
Activating frontier livelihoods: Women and the transnational secondhand clothing trade between Hong Kong and the Philippines
Urban Anthropology
Published: March 28th 2008
Edgy things: Negotiating borders and identity in Asian material culture–a foreword
Asian Studies Review
Published: March 28th 2005
Fair(er) trade for global markets: Capitalizing on work alternatives in crafts in the rural Philippines
Petty Capitalists and Globalization: Flexibility, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development
Published: March 28th 2005
From margin to mainstream: Microfinance, women's work and social change in the Philippines
Urban Anthropology
Published: March 28th 2005
Piña cloth, identity and the project of Philippine nationalism
Asian Studies Review
Published: March 28th 2005
Artists and aesthetics: Case studies of creativity in the ethnic arts market
Anthropology of Work Review
Published: March 28th 2004
Operationalizing microfinance: Women and craftwork in Ifugao, upland Philippines
Human Organization
Published: March 28th 2001
Locating "Tradition" in the Striped Textiles of Banaue, Ifugao
Museum Anthropology
Published: March 28th 1999
The textiles of highland Luzon Philippines: a structural analysis
Ars Textrina
Published: March 28th 1992
Type: Department of Anthropology
York University
Type: Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Studies
York University
Professor Emerita and Adjunct Professor
Type: Faculty of Arts & Science
OCAD University
Professor of Anthropology
Type: Faculty of Arts & Science
OCAD University
Philippine-Canada Transnational Alternative Economies
Type: Grant
Contested Livlihoods: Food Provisioning Systems in Urbanizing Southeast Asia
Type: Grant
Engaging Social Entrepreneurship Through Philippine-Canada Artisanal Trade
Type: Grant
From Market to Market: Filipino-Canadian Entrepreneurs Refashion Transnational Business Landscapes.
Type: Grant
Reconfiguring Economy and Customary Practice: Women’s Weaving Cooperatives in the Northern Philippines.
Type: Award
Resilient Urban Communities & Local Food Systems after COVID-19: Developing Knowledge Partnerships Beyond the Pandemic
Type: Grant
urban food systems; resiliency; sustainability; local communities; global knowledge sharing; digital infrastructure; public dissemination
Contested livelihoods: food provisioning systems in urban Southeast Asia
Type: Grant
fresh food provisioning systems; marketplace development; resistance; gender and work; urban public space; citizenship rights; Philippines; Vietnam; globalization
Alternative transnational economies: exploring the progressive potential of Canada-Philippines migrant connections
Type: Grant
transnationalism; migration; diaspora; social economies; diverse economies; philanthropy; remittances; development
Alternative transnational economies: exploring the progressive potential of Canada-Philippines migrant connections
Type: Grant
transnationalism; migration; diaspora; social economies; diverse economies; philanthropy; remittances; development
Contested livelihoods: food provisioning systems in urban Southeast Asia
Type: Grant
fresh food provisioning systems; marketplace development; resistance; gender and work; urban public space; citizenship rights; Philippines; Vietnam; globalization
Thirsty for Alternative Sources of Agri-Beverages? New Commodity Provisioning from the Rural Philippines and Vietnam
Type: Grant
agri-beverages; agri-food; commodity chains; systems of provisioning; added value; alternative food networks; ethnic minorities; artisanal distilled alcohols; specialty coffee; Philippines; Vietnam
Thirsty for Alternative Sources of Agri-Beverages? New Commodity Provisioning from the Rural Philippines and Vietnam
Type: Grant
agri-beverages; agri-food; commodity chains; systems of provisioning; added value; alternative food networks; ethnic minorities; artisanal distilled alcohols; specialty coffee; Philippines; Vietnam
Exploring urban resistance: street vending and negotiations over public space livelihoods in the Philippines and Vietnam
Type: Grant
street vending; informal economy; household economies; gender; public space; resistance; activism; Philippines; Vietnam
Fashioning alternative economies: women and the sourcing, circulation and consumption of secondhand clothing in the Philippines
Type: Grant
gender; development; cooperatives; microfinance; globalization; commodity flows; political economy; material culture; museums; culture and representation; Southeast Asia (Philippines)
Women and microfinance development initiatives in the Upland Philippines
Type: Grant
microfinance; gender; development; microeconomics; women and work; craft cooperatives; Philippines
Visiting Professor Fellowship
Type: College of Social Sciences
University of the Philippines Baguio
Residency Fellowship
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Street Economics, Politics and Social Movements in the Urban Global South (co-applicant)
Type: Senior Seminar Series Award Program
School for Advanced Research
Research Collaborator, WASTE-ECON: The Waste Economy in Mainland Southeast Asia
Type: Department of Geography, University of Toronto
Canadian International Development Agency
First-Place Winner of the 2nd Annual Anthropology Day Photo Contest
Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN)
SAW Book Prize: Street Economies in the Urban Global South, Karen Tranberg Hansen, Walter E. Little, B. Lynne Milgram, editors.
Society for the Anthropology of Work
Fellow of SFAA
Society for Applied Anthropology
OCAD Award for Distinguished Research and Creation - From Margin to Mainstream: Refashioning Women’s Informal Sector Work in the Philippines.
OCAD University
R. L. Shep Textile Book Award for the publication, Material Choices: Refashioning Bast and Leaf Fibres in Asia and the Pacific, (co-edited with R. W. Hamilton)
Textile Society of America
Harold K. Schneider Prize in Economic Anthropology
Society for Economic Anthropology
Nomination for the Ph.D. Dissertation Prize
Type: Anthropology
York University