Financial assistance is available in the Spring/summer Term. Eligibility is based on the information provided on your Spring/summer Term application.

OSAP Programs
Returning full-time OSAP students | Returning OSAP-eligible undergraduate students who received OSAP assistance during the academic year and plan on taking a minimum of a 60% course load (1.5 credits)* are eligible to apply provided they start their studies in Spring and attend consecutive terms (no breaks) for six to 14 weeks in total. Returning OSAP-eligible graduate students who received assistance and are full-time can also apply. Do not complete a new application for the summer through the OSAP website. Use this one-page form instead: 2023 SUMMER FULL-TIME OSAP EXTENSION FORM Complete form and email to For questions, please email us at
Part-Time OSAP Students | OSAP-eligible undergraduate students registered in 0.5 or 1.0* credits for a minimum of four weeks of consecutive study are eligible to apply for part-time financial assistance. Not all students will qualify. OSAP-eligible, part-time graduate students can also apply. The part-time 2022/23 OSAP application is required and is available at the link below. An application is available through the OSAP website. Deadline: 40 days before the last day of summer classes.
New Full-time OSAP Students | OSAP-eligible undergraduate students who did not receive OSAP assistance during the academic year and plan on taking a minimum of a 60% course load (1.5 credits)* are eligible to apply provided they start their studies in Spring and attend consecutive terms (no breaks) for 14 weeks in total. OSAP-eligible, full-time graduate students can also apply. The entire 2022/23 OSAP application is required and is available at the link below. Deadline: New applications will need to be submitted 60 days before the last day of summer classes.
Note: Students with documented permanent disability status are eligible to apply to full-time if they are taking a minimum 40% course load (1.0 credits).
Course percentage: Each 0.5 credit is equal to 20% course load.
Program dates: Please apply using the dates shown on your registered classes.
Final deadline: The last day you can complete an application is 40 days before the end of the Spring/summer term.
More information
OSAP requires that students maintain satisfactory academic progress in the courses for which financial assistance has been provided. Failure to obtain passing grades in at least 60% of a full course load (40% for students with a documented permanent disability), course drops, multiple program switches, early withdrawals, school-imposed academic restrictions, multiple repeats of a program and/or taking multiple programs may be considered unsatisfactory academic progress by the Ministry. OSAP students who do not maintain satisfactory academic progress can be placed on probation for the following year or may be ineligible for further OSAP assistance for a minimum of one year.
Any loan funding received through OSAP and the Part-Time Canada Student Loan Program must be repaid. Repayment begins on the last day of the seventh month after the day your current study period ends. Keep in mind that interest is charged during this time. Contact the NSLSC or the Financial Aid office for more information.

OCAD U Summer Bursary Program
All students registered in a degree program at the University for the Spring/summer Term are eligible to apply for a bursary through this program. Priority is given to eligible OSAP students as per OCAD University's commitment to the Ontario government's Student Access Guarantee. International students can also apply.
In order to be eligible to apply for a bursary through this program, students must be studying on a full- or part-time basis at OCAD U during the Spring/summer Term. Students must have submitted an error-free OSAP application for the Summer Term (or out-of-province student loan/band funding), and demonstrate financial need (priority is given to OSAP students).