Zviko Mhakayakora
Graphic Design, 2016. Creative Management Consultant / Board Member

Being a good person definitely helps. You don’t ever want to be the person who reaches out only when they want something.
What Program did you graduate from and when?
Graphic Design, 2016
What is your current title or role? (ie. freelance designer, art practitioner, etc.)
Creative Management Consultant
Board Member, DesignTO
Special Projects Coordinator at the OCAD U RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers
Why did you choose to attend OCAD U?
Before I came to OCAD U, I went to Algonquin College. One of my professors at Algonquin recommended OCAD U. I did my research and realized it was what I was looking for.
Please briefly describe your current job/practice.
In my practice, I function as a Curator and Creative Management Consultant running operations for independent designers, artists and small teams when working on bigger clients or projects. I’ve collaborated on clients like Kai XR, The Heard Festival, Artspace Youngplace, The Drake Hotel properties, Trinity Square Videos and The Gladstone Hotel, to name a few.
As Special Projects Coordinator at the OCAD U RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers, I coordinate the Design4 and Career Launcher programs that are run by the CEAD. I develop and sustain new and existing partnerships through outreach and relationship stewardship, deliver the onboarding process for students, faculty, and partners, and provide end-to-end project oversight; support promotional strategies and active recruitment to encourage fully inclusive student and new grad participation; support the promotion and ongoing development of OCAD U’s hub on Ten Thousand Coffees to facilitate student and alumni mentor connections; and lead the ongoing development of select Career Development resources, such as the Career Stories site.
How did you get started in your career?
I was an international student from Zimbabwe while I was studying. After moving to Toronto from Ottawa I struggled to find a job – and the feedback I was getting from employers was that they didn’t want to get long-distance phone charges from calling Ottawa or Harare (Zimbabwe) to confirm the work experience I had (which seemed ridiculous to me). After many rejections, I contacted Susan Kemp, Manager, International Student Support & Exchange Programs, who introduced me to Zev Farber, the Director of the RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers. I received mentorship from Zev and he helped me refine my application materials and I started getting callbacks.
I had a few jobs on campus, which helped me figure out that I was interested in organizing and bringing people together. My experience working in the OCAD U Marketing & Communications, Development, Writing & Learning Centre helped me to meet a lot of people on campus, expand my network and get experience working in and leading other students in OCAD U events like GradEx, etc. In my final year, one of my professors, Sheila Sampath encouraged me to apply for the Big Ideas Fund run through the Office of Diversity, Equity and Sustainability Initiatives. With these funds and additional funds from various OCAD U offices, I curated Pixelation, an art & design exhibition exploring the ways in which Black identity has been formed, shaped, or erased through visual culture. With mentorship from Andrea Fatona, Sheila Sampath and Shamina Chherawala, I was introduced to the world of curation.
After school, I worked as a Programming Coordinator at Toronto International Festival of Authors for two years and got to hang out with a lot of really well-known and upcoming Canadian and International authors. After that, I came full circle to work as Special Projects Coordinator (Design4) in the CEAD with Zev as my boss 😊. The journey continues!
What were your policies regarding internships, volunteering, and paid work?
As an international student, my goal was to get work experience and build relationships that could help with applying for my permanent residency after uni. I volunteered at a few organizations I believed in, and this helped me to give back and serve the communities I was part of.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
I really enjoy working with students and graduates and being a part of their journeys in finding work they enjoy and are passionate about.
I’m very fortunate to be in positions where I can continue to build my network and relationships that benefit my creative practice. I enjoy creating processes, staying organized and learning new things that help me to be more efficient.
Working to avoid burnout is challenging. I often balance many things on my plate and I have to keep reminding myself to take breaks, self-care, actively respect boundaries I put in place, etc. This is always a work in progress.
What skills or relationships developed at OCAD U helped you participate in your field? Is there anything you would have done differently?
I developed and found my voice as a creative in my 3rd year. Professors like Sheila Sampath, Patricio Davila and Lewis Nicholson helped me to expand my understanding of Graphic Design as communication. This opened up many possibilities and my sparked interest in the intersection between art, design and multidisciplinary ways of thinking and making.
I would’ve considered the Criticism & Curatorial Practices program – whether or not my parents would’ve allowed that is a different story. Other than that, there’s not much else I would’ve done differently.
What are the key responsibilities you maintain for your practice?
Project management – I’m often managing multiple projects at the same time, so staying organized and being on top of things definitely helps. Empathy for others. Networking – I’ve received most of my opportunities through networking. If I’d been difficult to work with when I first met Zev in 2012, he wouldn’t have hired me onto his team in 2018. Being a good person definitely helps. You don’t ever want to be the person who reaches out only when they want something. Maintain the relationships you build.
What are your personal and professional goals for the coming years?
To continue changing lives and helping folks realize their full potential. To keep learning and making room for personal growth 😊 . I really love learning, so I will keep doing it!