Kenny Tran
Drawing & Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation, 2019. 2D FX Animator & Freelance Animator/Artist

What I would look for in a perfect opportunity is an employer that values my skills and pays me properly for my services, while also providing new skills and great exposure.
What Program did you graduate from and when?
Drawing and Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation specialization (DPXA), 2019.
What is your current title or role? (ie. freelance designer, art practitioner, etc.)
2D FX Animator & Freelance Animator/Artist
Why did you choose to attend OCAD U?
During high school, I really enjoyed the arts and had begun a deep interest in the world of animation, and while I still wasn’t sure which facet of animation I wanted to pursue (as there are many roles and positions), I felt like the DPXA program had checked all the boxes that my younger self was looking for. The program gave me a lot of freedom to explore my interests and develop my skills, and the friendships and connections I made there were invaluable :)
Please briefly describe your current job/practice.
Currently, I work as a 2D FX Animator within the animation industry. My role is specialized in hand-drawn organic effects for film and television. In addition, I’m always open to freelance opportunities as both an Animator or Artist.
How did you get started in your career?
I’d say my career first began when I decided to come to OCAD, as the creative environments and passionate people encouraged me to further improve my skills and practice. I think the next and more official milestone in my career was when I finished my capstone film Interphase, which was a 2d animated short about the reconciliation of past experiences and trauma through the act of deconstruction, repair, and reflection. Completing this film not only hallmarked the skills I had spent my time at OCAD developing, but also enabled me to showcase my project during the 103rd GradEx to a massive audience, the ability to have my film sent and accepted by film festivals worldwide, and most importantly a portfolio piece for animation companies.
What were your policies regarding internships, volunteering, and paid work?
I think volunteering is a great way to give back to your community, while also making new friends and connections along the way. If it’s something I’m passionate about I would be more than happy to volunteer for a cause.
When I think about internships and paid work, I think about what is in my current best interests to receive in addition to money. Let me begin by saying exposure is not a real form of standalone payment, but learned skills/experiences and fame in addition to money are. When talking about payments in the form of learned skills/experiences, I see it as opportunities that I’m aware will greatly improve my career whether it be from a practical or technical standpoint. An example could be learning how to use an animation program that you previously did not know how to pilot, or working on a specific project and gain valuable industry knowledge. When I think about payments in the form of fame, I think about how valuable the exposure I would be getting. Whether it be a feature film in the movies or something broadcasted to a very large audience.
What I would look for in a perfect opportunity is an employer that values my skills and pays me properly for my services, while also providing new skills and great exposure.
TLDR; Learned skills/experiences and fame I believe are acceptable forms of payment that help offset the amount of money you would be normally paid, but definitely shouldn’t be the only form of payment you receive. Gotta pay the bills $$$.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
I really enjoy being able to create work that will be displayed on screens around the world, as animation in general I find it a very rewarding process. Being able to work around like-minded talented individuals in a team environment is also great.
The most challenging aspect of my work is making sure I keep up with my health and posture, as sitting in front of a computer every day isn’t the healthiest practice to have. But also making sure I meet my deadlines and manage my workload.
What skills or relationships developed at OCAD U helped you participate in your field? Is there anything you would have done differently?
Honestly, social skills were something that I think I developed the most at OCAD, as I had a lot of social anxiety when it came to people I didn’t know, and it helped with interviews and talking to my colleagues. If I could do something differently it would have been to join more clubs and participate more in the opportunities at the school.
What are the key responsibilities you maintain for your practice?
Make sure to constantly find ways to improve my practice, and be open to new opportunities that come my way.
What are your personal and professional goals for the coming years?
Personal goals: exercise more after this pandemic ends, and live a healthy life.
Professional goals: use the experiences and projects I work on as steppingstone to propel my career, and maybe in the distant future I’m able to become a director for a largescale project that is inclusive and values its employees.