Angelique Paul
Advertising, 2016. CEO and Founder of Fingerprints Inc.

Always have a contract that outlines a payment structure or what you will receive if not compensation. Is it mentorship? Is it support in another way? Be careful to make sure that you are not being taken advantage of.
What Program did you graduate from and when?
Advertising (ADV), 2016
What is your current title or role? (ie. freelance designer, art practitioner, etc.)
CEO and Founder of Fingerprints Inc.
Why did you choose to attend OCAD U?
In high school, I came to terms with the fact that I am a creative person. I was trying hard to mold myself to be good at math and the sciences, instead of leaning more into creativity, which came to me naturally. I heard about OCAD U from a friend in grade 12 but didn’t know if I would get in because I hadn’t taken any art classes yet. My teacher – Miss Anderson asked me to join her portfolio class that trained students to get into Art/Design universities (though I didn’t know this when I first joined the class). I started making a portfolio and through that, I began to dig into what the world of Design could offer. I fell in love with the idea of Advertising and the potential to reach many people.
Please briefly describe your current job/practice.
As the CEO and Founder, I created Fingerprints Inc. to provide students of different learning styles with the opportunity to work with someone who can be patient and help them to learn most effectively by catering to their own unique style of learning. I oversee connections of mentees with mentors who are passionate about education. The rubrics we create are individualized to each student. We help each student to pick learning material that will interest them in learning. I create visual materials and design the materials used to mold mentors into leaders and provide parents with the tools they need to create an environment suitable for their children. We are also designing an app that will be a facilitator of the connections to be used in the future.
How did you get started in your career?
Fingerprints Inc. started off as my thesis at OCAD U. My Thesis professor, Nick Goso said that for our final year, we should look deep into ourselves about what we want to do. He said to “pick something that means something to you”. I wanted to be excited and passionate about working on something for a year. Through reflection, I found I was passionate about changing the education system and how many students are ‘left behind’ because of not fitting the typical mold designed for learning. That affected me personally. I struggled to learn in elementary and junior high because I didn’t learn in a way that I was expected to. My first iteration of Fingerprints was as a physical afterschool program. After OCAD U, I took it to my master’s program at Ryerson and created an app that is accessible to more students. Upon graduation from Ryerson, Ryerson funded me as an accessibility solution and I was incubated in the Social Venture Zone. COVID has turned Fingerprints into an at-home experience where mentors and mentees are paired and meet virtually.
What were your policies regarding internships, volunteering, and paid work?
While at OCAD U, I felt like that it was a privilege for my friends to take unpaid internships. I always had to work in order to pay for books and school. I wish there were opportunities to work and get paid in my field.
I do believe that internship programs are beneficial. If they are unpaid, a max of between 2 to 3 hours a week unpaid can be beneficial so long as you are not required to work significantly more hours or do the duties of someone in a paid salary position, for example. Always have a contract that outlines a payment structure or what you will receive if not compensation. Is it mentorship? Is it support in another way? Be careful to make sure that you are not being taken advantage of.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
I love that I can look at my life and the job that I do and say I found something I am very passionate about. I am working towards something that makes me excited and makes me look at my work with pride.
Uncertainty and instability are challenging. I am also constantly having to prove myself. As a start-up, we are breaking new ground and pushing a new idea. I’ve heard a lot of no’s and fewer yes’. This is hard, but because I love this work and see the value and impact on many lives, I remain resilient.
What skills or relationships developed at OCAD U helped you participate in your field? Is there anything you would have done differently?
My education at OCAD U shaped me. The Advertising program taught me the importance of telling a story, the importance of remaining authentic. In my fourth year at OCAD U all of my professors highlighted the importance of speaking from a place of truth because truth and a common story really speak to the heart of who you're trying to reach. This skill has been extremely beneficial when I explain my company, especially since my company was built off personal experience.
The OCAD U Advertising cohorts are very charismatic. During courses, we had to pitch many times a day, defend our ideas and have to speak in front of rooms full of people. We learned how to develop and run campaigns and sell products. As a businesswoman, I speak in front of rooms full of people, I’m in charge of branding and picking branding that works for my users (parents, students and teachers). Fingerprints is constantly evolving. Because of OCAD U, I know how to work hard and not give up. OCAD U taught me how to work and then work some more. I also took classes that were outside of my comfort zone. There are many areas in running a business that takes you outside of your comfort zone as a Designer, for example, accounting and bookkeeping, etc. I greatly value the many opportunities I had at OCAD U to be around multidisciplinary groups of people and learn about my strengths and weaknesses.
What are the key responsibilities you maintain for your practice?
Design, project management, meetings with stakeholders, develop curriculums and rubrics, recruitment (partners, mentors, students), organizing events, campaigns and launches, training interns.
What are your personal and professional goals for the coming years?
I would love to see an impact on the way we approach students in the education system to try to understand them better. Imagine what the world would look like if more people were able to realize their gifts and skills at an earlier age?
Professionally, I would like to see Fingerprints have an impact on students all over Canada and the world. We want to help students thrive.