Ahlena Sultana-McGarry
Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies, 2019. Freelance Designer and Artist

Much like many creatives, my career was founded by a commitment to something I loved doing.
What Program did you graduate from and when?
I graduated from Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies in 2019
What is your current title or role? (e.g. freelance designer, art practitioner, etc.)
Freelance Designer and Artist
Why did you choose to attend OCAD U?
Interestingly enough, I met the former dean of the Faculty of Art on a flight back from Dubai, UAE. Whether it was fate or excellent circumstances, I was inspired by our conversation and applied later that year. I was looking for an education that elicits space and opportunity for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchanges. I chose to attend OCAD U because I found this to be a unique feature of the university and the Toronto cultural landscape.
Please briefly describe your current job/practice.
I work as a Freelance Designer for a company within the health sector. As I mainly do this part-time, my side projects involve my artistic practice, community work, and a vision for furthering my education.
How did you get started in your career?
Much like many creatives, my career was founded by a commitment to something I loved doing. I didn’t graduate from a program feeding into a design career, which I think is critical because it shows the potential for creatives to work interdisciplinarity should they have the passion. I acquired work experience by way of endorsements, internal networking, and an employer who recognized my potential early on. Gradually building work experience through smaller projects in university and in my community allowed me to get my foot in the door.
What were your policies regarding internships, volunteering, and paid work?
I come from the viewpoint of if it strengthens the community and contributes in an empowering way, internships, volunteering, and unsalaried work can be highly beneficial to the individual and the organization. Building experience this way and working at the local level is really great professionally and helps in positioning yourself within your creative community. In terms of livelihood, however, being paid what you’re worth is something I have always stood by.
What do you enjoy most about your work? What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
I love the work dynamic I have and the diversity of people I have the opportunity to work with. Working primarily with professionals from the medical, science, engineering, and research fields is both refreshing and fascinating. Contributing my creativity to a team and seeing the impact of my role is the most rewarding aspect of my work. The more challenging aspect of my work is also something greatly beneficial to me- and that is the continuing learning curve! But I never asked for a boring job!
What skills or relationships developed at OCAD U helped you participate in your field? Is there anything you would have done differently?
My positive relationship with my professors was instrumental to my educational and professional development. I’ve always had a deep respect for educators, but this was put into perspective when I understood how greatly their teaching (and your relationship to them) shaped my life and career path. Given the opportunity to do anything differently I would have likely spent more time seeking opportunities to engage with their art/research projects. One last regret is that while I was studying abroad in Italy, I didn’t indulge in the food as much as I would have liked!
What are your personal and professional goals for the coming years?
I intend to do a lot of traveling in the coming years and have my sight of pursuing a Master's in Education. Intersecting this with art and design is the long-term goal! I suspect I will be involved in community development, art, and a lot of reading in the near future.