Sacred Spaces Residency with Antonius Roberts
0.5 cr GLBE-3101-101 Global Experience Project
![atonius roberts work](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screenshot%202024-02-13%20at%201.57.34%20PM.png)
This course will provide students the opportunity to interact and learn from international Bahamian artist Antonius Roberts in a residency format. The curriculum will explore site-specific sustainable interdisciplinary art through the exchange of materiality, knowledge, and research. Visits to sacred spaces, museums, galleries, students will explore a multiplicity of histories in relation to land and a sense of place. Curriculum will create a process of ongoing reflexivity to include social justice, critical methodologies, and Indigenous knowledge more prominently in our art-making processes. The residency curriculum will culminate with an exhibition and community gathering of work in process.
Research activities will include
*Visiting Sacred Sites as spaces of artistic inspiration and creative impetus
*Incorporating decolonial thematics into conceptual motivations
*Considering land-based and sustainable approaches to studio production
*Creating connections between art movements in the Bahamas and those in Canada
*Understanding and interacting with community-based approaches to art through visiting local arts organizations
At the end of the course, participants will be able to
*Use sustainable materials in effective and substantive ways within one’s studio practice
*Connect one's artistic practice to place-making, historical context, and site specificity
*Understand the role and responsibility of the artist in community-based professional practice
*Create and express studio writing that takes into consideration the creative process as a foundation of production
*Install, promote, and curate a group exhibition in a collaborative and consensus-based format
Course Duration
This course will take place during the spring term May-June 2024
- There will be two in-person one and a half hour community meet ups with Associate Professor Ilene Sova in May
- Specific itinerary such as site visits and community interactions will be released closer to the launch of the course
- Classes will run Wednesdays and Fridays 11:50 a.m. - 2:50 p.m. in room 484
Course Eligibility: This call is open to all (Faculty of Art, Faculty of Design and Faculty of Arts & Sciences) undergraduate students with a minimum of 10.0 credits completed
For more information about the course please contact Professor Ilene Sova –
Course Code: GLBE-3101-101
Most learning will happen outdoors at various sites around the city with some studio and shop time indoors.
If you are interested in this course but the itinerary conflicts with other courses you are taking during the same time, please contact Ilene Sova
Assignment #1 - Visual Diary of Research
This first assignment will be a creative document which reflects your practice-based research
This document can include any or all of the following items as evidence of your unique experience: thoughts, reflections, and sensory impressions of the residency and how it informed your practice.
Assignment #2 - Residency Reflection - Final Writing Assignment
For this writing, be creative, use the first person, and tell us the story of your residency in a way that reflects your unique relationship to the residency activities, the people you met, the history you learned and the processes that inspired you.
Assignment #3 - Studio Process Documentation
This is a document to tell the story of how you created your final piece. It should tell us about the stages of development, your thoughts, your mistakes, your creative impetus and the story of how your final work came to be. This should include writing to let us know your thought process at the various stages of development.
Assignment #4 - Final Work & Exhibition
Documentation of your final work uploaded to Canvas. It should examine the concept of Sacred Space within the context of the residency. Your work will be grounded through exchange of materiality, knowledge, and research through the process of making.
How To Enroll: Students who are interested and meet the pre-requisites are welcome to enroll in this course by searching GLBE-3101-101 which is offered this Spring Duration (May-June)
![Antonius roberts and his artwork](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Screenshot%202024-02-13%20at%201.56.08%20PM.png)