Chancellor Jaime Watt receives Award of Distinction
Watt recognized by Public Affairs Association of Canada for his significant contributions to public affairs in Canada.
Current students, faculty, and staff
The First Self-Portrait DRPT Student Group Exhibition showcases the impressive variety, talent, and insight of OCAD U's first-year Drawing and Painting students from the Fall 2023 cohort. The works displayed—a Painting 2 final assignment centred around student lived experience—are the result of a year of intensive conceptual, technical, and personal growth. The exhibition empowers returning students with a reminder of what they accomplished in their first year and motivates new students by showing them what they are working towards.
Exhibition supervisors: JJ Lee, Mary Porter, Madge Yao
Participated Student Artists: Jarrod (Xuan Chen) Bai, Sofia del Castillo Castro, Kennedy Gillett, Quinn Holly, Kelly Kilburn, Jyn Kovacic, Romee Lai, Alex Proud, Ashlyn Salmon, Tiffany Schwarzer, Zaria Shariff, Chlo Steadman, Ryan Thompson
*Image: The Dichotomy of Pain and Pleasure by Tiffany Schwarzer