OCAD University’s RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers is excited to announce Bunya Muchaeva, Katrina Bromberg and Kris Ahn as the recipients of the 2025 Tonkin Liu, Fabrication Apprentice Career Launchers!


2025 Tonkin Liu Career Launcher recipients.

Bunya Muchaeva:

My name is Bunya Muchaeva, and I am an artist, designer, andfabrication enthusiast currently studying Environmental Design at OCADUniversity. I have a passion for working with my hands, exploring materialsthrough woodworking, furniture design, and architectural concepts. In additionto my design work, I’ve been creating butter sculptures for the Royal WinterFair for the past three years. I currently work for UNDRSCR studio in Toronto,where I create visual branding assets and handle space planning with aestheticdirection.  I’m excited to continue honing my craft and collaborating onthoughtful, well-made designs as I grow in my career!



Katrina Bromberg:

Katrina Bromberg is an aspiring architectcurrently pursuing a degree in Environmental Design at OCAD University. Beforefollowing her passion for architecture, she graduated in Fashion Marketing inMontreal, her hometown. Katrina’s academic journey has ignited a stronginterest in research-driven projects, with a focus on blending history andinnovation. She is passionate about creating designs that not only respond tocultural contexts but also contribute to meaningful placemaking and shapingspaces that inspire connection and transformation.


Kris Ahn:

Kris Ahn is a fourth-year Environmental Design student at OCAD University, specializing in architecture. Passionate about public art and design, Kris explores how diverse cultural influences can shape meaningful and innovative designs. With experience in both academic research and hands-on industry practice, they have developed strong skills in material experimentation, prototyping, and structural aesthetics.


Learn more about our Career Launchers at: https://careerlaunchers.format.com