OCAD University has partnered with Techmien Corporation to offer OCAD U graduates the ePortfolios online exhibition platform for the purpose of GradEx presentations. The ePortfolios platform is provided by the University to eligible exhibitors on an as-is basis in exchange for your consent and agreement to the following. Please read and accept the terms and conditions on the provision of this license:

  1. In order to use the platform you may be asked to disclose your personal information including First Name, Last name and email address in order to use the service. You agree to disclosing this information in order to access the service.
  2. In voluntarily disclosing this information, you permit the University to host this information on the ePortfolios platform for the purposes of exhibiting your work for GradEx.
  3. You agree to not share your ePortfolios username and password with anyone.
  4. Your personal information will be accessible via a web administration console to an OCAD U  system administrator for the purposes of administrating use of the ePortfolios platform.
  5. Your personal information may be visible to other OCAD U personal supporting the ePortfolios platform.
  6. While using the service, you are subject to the OCAD U Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, the IT Acceptable Use Policy, the Freedom of Expression policies, the Respectful Work & Learning Environment policy and any other relevant OCAD U policy that governs students: please read and understand these policies.
  7. License and General Release (Use of Documentation of Artist’s “Work and Materials”)

In order that OCAD U may present your work to the public in an online exhibition of this nature, please read the following General Release Terms:

By agreeing to this document, you are granting OCAD University (“OCAD U”) certain rights to your original photographs, sculptures, images, films, audio-visual and digital works, models, fabrications, design prototypes and other artistic works, in any form or media (collectively, the “Works”, as described below). OCAD U and its authorized representatives shall have the right to create and copy original video, photographs, podcasts, models, fabrication design related objects and other materials, in any form or media (collectively, the “Materials”), which capture and incorporate images or recordings of the whole of, or any part of, the Works. You acknowledge that OCAD U has the further right to publish, share and distribute the Materials with members of the academic community and the public at large for the purposes of education, academic endeavors, and the advertising and promotion of OCAD U, as OCAD U sees fit (collectively, the “Purposes”). This includes public projections as part of GradEx. The Materials shall, to the extent possible, identify you as the author of the Works. OCAD U shall, to the extent possible, obtain your, or your authorized representative’s, further written consent before modifying, altering or changing any images or recordings of the Works that are captured or incorporated within the Materials, in any manner.

I confirm that I have full authority to grant this License and General Release. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless OCAD U and its authorized representatives for any damages, liabilities and costs that may arise by reason of any claim or allegation against OCAD U for exercising its rights to the Materials under this License and General Release.

I hereby release OCAD U and its authorized representatives from any and all claims that I, or my authorized representatives, may have now or in the future related to, or arising out of, the exercise of the rights conveyed by this License and General Release. I am at least eighteen (18) years old and I have read this License and General Release and I understand its contents. If I am younger than eighteen (18) years old, I have read this License and General Release and I understand its contents and I have discussed this License and General Release with my parents or legal guardian.

If you have any questions about this agreement or the GradEx ePortfolio online platform, please contact the help desk at GradEx@ocadu.ca to ask for more information.