Call for Proposals and Moderators | Automation: An ELL Student Symposium 


Submission Deadline: Friday February 23, 2024, 5:00pm ET  

Symposium: Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 1:00pm – 3:00pm ET  


Call for Proposals 

It is said that automation of tasks can save time and lead to more efficiency. Generative Artificial Intelligence app designers promise to “free” artists, designers, writers and students from the tasks of emails, project management, iterative image generation, editing and writing content, and more. Does automation support creativity? When is resisting automatic processes more generative?    


Undergraduate and graduate English Language Learner students are invited to contribute to a symposium on the theme of automation and how they are using machines, algorithms and Generative AI in their work. How are your unique voices, accents, stories and cultures incorporated into these applications? How have you resisted automation through manual and analog processes, such as handmaking? Creative, written, or academic work in any discipline and genre can be presented, as long as it is your original work. You may present in a variety of formats, such as a series of images, a blog, a reading, a slide presentation, a short film or animation, or storytelling. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a $150 honorarium for your presentation.  


Submissions to Automation: An ELL Student Symposium might investigate the following: 

  • work produced as a result of automation or machine-driven device or application  

  • uses of Generative AI and Generative Adversarial Networks work by other artists, designers and writers that is automated or machine-driven  

  • explorations of labour-intensive processes, manual labour and the handmade  

  • interactions with the digital, the automated and artificial intelligences that highlight language, culture and the human  

  • work that responds to cultural and social desire for increased productivity, efficiency, cost or labour-saving needs 

  • reflections on the role of technology and machines in art and design education 

  • cross-cultural examinations of machines, robots and technology 

  • work that resists or critiques automation   

  • work that uses both automation and manual processes and that explores the tension between the two  

  • projects that reflect on the futurity of automation   

Submission Instructions   

  • Please submit proposals (maximum 200 words) as a PDF or word document to   

  • Send us a bio (maximum 50 words) and a photo to be used for promotion if your proposal is selected.  

  • Name your file with FirstNameLastName_SymposiumProposal  

  • Proposals can also be recorded as 5-minute talks and shared as mp4 files or Teams and YuJalinks  

  • Additional materials, such as samples of visual or design work can also be sent or linked to your proposal. Please keep file sizes to less than 10MB.   

  • Students may present individually or as a part of a group or collective.  

  • Contact Phoebe Wang, ELL Writing and Learning Consultant, at if you wish to discuss your proposal or if you have questions.   

Submission Deadline: Friday February 23, 2024, 5:00pm ET  


All students will be notified by Monday, March 4, 2024. Those selected will receive an honorarium.  


Please email if extensions are required for accessibility needs or other circumstances.   


Contact Phoebe Wang, ELL Writing and Learning Consultant, at for more information, or to discuss your proposal ideas! 


Call for Student Moderators 

Moderating panels gives students a fun and valuable experience! It can develop skills in facilitating discussion, timekeeping, engaging audiences and encouraging participation. 

Student moderators will work with the presenters to introduce students and their work, to plan the panel program, and to rehearse with student presenters in preparation for the symposium.  


Students with strong discussion, curatorial and critique skills are encouraged to apply; ELL students from all year levels and programs are welcome. An honorarium of $100 will be paid to moderators.   



ELL Students who wish to gain experience as moderators are invited to submit a 200-300 word statement of interest OR a 5-minute talk that addresses: 

  • why you wish to moderate a panel;  

  • previous academic or community experience and   

  • ideas for possible panel topics.   

5-minute talks can be shared mp4 files or Teams and TechSmith relay links.   

Moderator Tasks  

  • Contact all presenters and introduce yourselves   

  • Attend the run-through in March 

  • Familiarize yourself with the presenter bios, pronunciation of names and presentations  

  • Prepare welcoming remarks (2-3 minutes)   

  • Prepare possible discussion questions and facilitate Q&A, ensuring all presenters have a chance to speak   

  • Moderate and respond to questions and comments in the chat   

  • Ensure panelists stay on time and give 1-minute warning if necessary   

  • Contribute through setting an encouraging, inclusive atmosphere   

  • Share social media and presenter website links (will be compiled beforehand)  

Submission Deadline: Friday, February 23, 2024, 5:00pm ET  


Please email if extensions are required for accessibility needs or other circumstances.   


All students will be notified by Monday, March 4th, 2024. Those selected will receive an honorarium.  


Contact Phoebe Wang, ELL Writing and Learning Consultant, at for more information, or to discuss your proposal ideas! 


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