Dr. Whyte's research reveals legacies of eighteenth-century art and culture that are commonplace in and relevant to the early twenty-first century. He is currently writing a book on the role of printed matter in the Salon du Louvre exhibitions of the Ancien Régime. His other recent work addresses fashion, gastronomy, and cross-cultural exchange in eighteenth-century print culture. He has also written art criticism and essays for journals that include Artext, Artichoke, Border Crossings, C Magazine, Lola, New Observations, and Parachute.


Book manuscript in progress, Regime of Display: Power and Exhibition Practice in the Paris Salon du Louvre.

"Turned Earth: The Chinese Plowing Ritual in the Age of Enlightenment," The Art Bulletin, vol. 104, no. 1 (Mar. 2022): 78-97

"Sugar Spoils: Marie-Antoine Carême and the Gastronomic Architecture of Napoleonic Empire," Art History 44/4 (Sept. 2021): 684-709

“Shuddering, I Write: Interview with Alan Sondheim,” in Alan Sondheim, Broken Theory (Santa Barbara: Punctum Books, 2022), pp. 207-221

Review of Divining Nature: Aesthetics of Enchantment in Enlightenment France, by Tili Boon Cuillé. Eighteenth-Century Fiction 34, no. 3 (2022): 359-361

"En périphérie de la cuisine : la nourriture chez Chardin," in Julia Csergo & Olivier Etcheverria eds., Imaginaires de la gastronomie : productions, diffusions, valeurs, enjeux (Paris: Menu Fretin, 2020), pp. 83-109.

"Exhibitions of Manuscript Verse in the Salon du Louvre," Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 48 (2019): 52-73.

"Le Critique à table : Grimod de La Reynière et l'image de la gastronomie," in Julia Csergo & Frédérique Desbuissons eds., Le Cuisinier et l'art. Art du cuisinier et cuisine d'artiste (XVIe-XXIe siècle) (Paris: Institut national d'histoire de l'art /Menu Fretin, 2018), pp. 47-60.

"Pocket Museums: The Display of Art in Women's Almanacs During the First French Empire," in Heidi Strobel and Jennifer Germann, eds., Materializing Gender in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Burlington: Routledge/Ashgate, 2016), pp. 157-172.

Ryan Whyte and Jennifer Purtle, "China fabrizieren: Textile Chinoiserien aus St.Gallen," [Fabricating China: Chinoiserie Textiles from St. Gallen] in Michaela Reichel and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Kirschblüte & Edelweiss. Der Import des Exotischen (Textilmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2014), pp. 57-93. Exhibition catalogue for the exhibition, "Kirschblüte & Edelweiss. Der Import des Exotischen," Textilmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland, March 23-December 30, 2014, marking the 150th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between Japan and Switzerland.

"Exhibiting Enlightenment: Chardin as tapissier," Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 46, no. 4 (2013): 531–554.

Review of Simon Gikandi, Slavery and the Culture of Taste, in Journal of Curatorial Studies, vol. 2, no. 1 (2013): 125-127.

"Jean Locquin," entry in Philippe Sénéchal and Claire Barbillon, eds., Dictionnaire des historiens de l'art actifs en France de la Révolution française à la Première Guerre mondiale (Paris: Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2012), 2500 words plus 2500 word bibliography (in French): https://www.inha.fr/fr/ressources/publications/publications-numeriques/dictionnaire-critique-des-historiens-de-l-art/locquin-jean.html

"Repeat Performance: Chardin's Aesthetics of Repetition in the Paris Salons," RACAR–Revue d'art canadienne/Canadian Art Review, XXXVI/1, (2011): 51-62 (double column).

"Understanding Painting, Print and Verse: Chardin's Le Négligé ou Toilette du Matin," in Christina Ionescu and Renata Schellenberg, eds., Word and Image in the Eighteenth Century: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008).