Michelle Wyndham-West
Faculty of Arts & Science
C. Michelle Wyndham-West, Ph.D., is the Graduate Program Director of the Design for Health and Inclusive Design programs and an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Design at OCADU University. Michelle is a critically applied medical anthropologist with graduate degrees in socio-cultural and medical anthropology from the University of Toronto and York University respectively. Michelle teaches in the areas of health policy, medical anthropology, and research methodologies and has received undergraduate and graduate teaching awards from OCAD University. Michelle’s research focuses on health equity, gender, public policy systems, and critical co-design methodologies. This research is supported by CIHR, SSHRC, ORF, and EU funding. Additionally, Michelle has published in international journals, including Evidence & Policy, BMJ Open, and Design for Health, and presents research regularly at international conferences, such as at the Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting. Making Gender: Big Pharma, HPV Vaccine Policy, and Women’s Ontological Decision-Making is her first book and will be published by the University of Toronto Press in May 2023.
Virtual care: a design research discovery and strategic futures model for the Canadian healthcare system
Design for Health
Published: December 31st 2022
Unpacking the potential of developmental evaluation in codesign work
Health Expectations
Published: December 12th 2022
A narrative-based exploration of aging, precariousness and housing instability among low-income older adults in Canada
Cities & Health
Published: December 31st 2022
Gender and dementia national strategy policymaking: Working toward health equity in Canada through gender-based analysis plus
Published: December 12th 2021
Are you really doing ‘codesign’? Critical reflections when working with vulnerable populations
BMJ Open
Published: December 12th 2020
Chapter 11: Evolution of Health Care Policy: Deconstructing Divergent Approaches
Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care
Published: December 31st 2019
Betwixt and Between Well and Sick in Cervical Precancer: Canadian Women’s Experiences of Recurring HPV Infections and HPV Vaccination
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research
Published: December 12th 2018
Power and culture in emerging medical technology policymaking: the case of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in Canada
Evidence and Policy
Published: December 12th 2018
“What’s a Mom to Do?” Negotiating Public Health Literacies Through the Traffic Between Motherhood and Mothering in School-Based HPV Vaccination Programming.
Mothering and Literacies
Published: December 31st 2013
Type: Anthropology
York University
Graduate Program Director
Type: Inclusive Design & Design for Health
OCAD University