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Butterfield Park redesign gains positive momentum

September was a busy month for engagement regarding the Butterfield Park redesign! 

With a lot of valuable feedback collected by the consultant team over the summer, PFS Studio and Two Row Architect developed a design strategy that responds to the community’s aspirations and objectives. 

Considering these and other aspects of the site analysis, they worked closely with the OCAD U Design Stakeholder Group to refine the preferred site strategy. 

The team also conducted meetings with representatives from the City Councillor Joe Cressy’s office, MP Adam Vaughan, the general public, representatives from the Indigenous community, OCAD U’s Facilities Team, Office of Diversity, Equity & Sustainability Initiatives (ODESI), the Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers (CEAD), the Office of Public Worx as well as general discussions with students, staff and faculty.

Recognizing that the park can’t be all things to all people, the design team has managed to integrate many elements into a coherent and effective layout that responds to the feedback from the survey and early consultations related to social gathering, events, programs, OCAD U core values and providing an effective connection to Grange Park. 

Design to be refined based on feedback

Follow-up work will be conducted to further refine the design based on feedback from recent consultations. This will focus on the following:

  • refining the circulation through the space to ensure that the paths respond to the ‘desire lines’ and access points, as required;
  • examining the balance and composition of the hardscape and softscape elements to create a positive experience for daily use as well as for special occasions and events;
  • testing the dimensions and materials of various elements to enable some of the more specific activities that were described by stakeholders; and
  • integrating elements to ensure that the park is clean, organized and easy to maintain with elements such as a storage shed, waste management bins, systems for watering, cleaning, security and event support.

Upcoming event for engagement

There will be an open house discussion hosted by Campus Planning and Projects on Thursday, October 15 at 1 p.m., during which time there will be an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to provide feedback and ask questions about the design.

To obtain the link for this event, please RVSP to 

More engagement opportunities will be announced later this fall for participation in a preliminary phase of ‘Design – Build’ related to parts of the overall project such as public art, community agriculture and street furniture; stay tuned!

The momentum for the project is exciting and the feedback has been very positive; thanks to everyone who has contributed so far!

Members of the OCAD U community are invited to reach out with any questions or comments to

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