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Programs & Faculties

Course Calendar

Welcome to the OCAD University online calendar.

This calendar covers program information specific to the 2022/2023 academic year. Information relating to admissions, tuition and fees, or policies and regulations can be found in the relevant sections of OCAD U's main website. Students are responsible for reading the Important Notice (below) as well as the policy and regulations sections on the main site.

The Office of the Registrar is available to assist you if you have any questions concerning the information in this calendar. Please email The 2022/2023 Course Calendar is not available in printed format.

Access the following link to view Calendar Archives.

Course Calendar 2022-2023


Important Student Information

Services and Offices

Important Notice

The material published here has been submitted by related administrative departments and academic units. All general information and course references have been checked for accuracy. However, if errors or inconsistencies do occur, please bring them to the attention of the department responsible.

The Ontario College of Art & Design University (OCAD U) reserves the right to make changes to this information or to vary all or part of a course without prior notice. Not every course listed will necessarily be offered in any given academic year.

OCAD U also reserves the right to make any necessary changes to fees, course outlines, instructors or times, and to cancel and/or combine courses when necessary.

Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves each year with the academic policies, general information and information specific to their Faculty as published on the OCAD U website, as well as with any additional regulations, which may be published by the Office of the Registrar or the Faculties. Academic policies and regulations are published in the Current Students section. It is the responsibility of all students to be familiar with the specific requirements associated with the certification, degree or diploma they seek. Program requirements are outlined. While advice and counselling are available, it is the responsibility of students to ensure that the courses in which they're registered are appropriate to the program requirements of their Faculty. Each student is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the accuracy of her/his own academic record.  

Last Modified: May 12, 2022

IP Academics Segment