English for Art and Design - Course Descriptions

Below are the course descriptions for each of the English for Art & Design (EAD) programs.

Please view the information (below) according to the program:

  • EAD: Preparation

  • EAD: Bridge To First Year

  • EAD: Expanded



Blue waves

EAD: Preparation requires approximately 16 hours per week (online) to complete group work, individual assignments, creative projects and to meet with instructors and classmates. These hours include synchronous (at the same time) and asynchronous (on your own schedule) work.  Weekly online class meeting times are usually on some weekday mornings (Toronto Time - Canada).

EAD: Preparation includes both EADL-1C: The Culture of Art & Design and Language Studio. The details about each component are as follows:


EADL-1C: The Culture of Art & Design

Approximately 10 hours of synchronous and asynchronous time including 2 meetings weekly, and activities and assignments available online.

Facilitated by an experienced art & design instructor, The Culture of Art & Design, focuses on the language and culture of different art and design genres. Build skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing through the practice of making and talking about art in an art and design university context. Each week there will be activities that explore visual culture and the history of art objects. This class introduces specific skills needed for seminar (lecture) and studio (making) classes in first year at OCAD University.

EADL-1L: Language Studio 

Approximately 6 hours of synchronous and asynchronous time including 1 meeting weekly and activities available online.

Language Studio gives students the opportunity to work with a Language Coach (an experienced EAP/ESL consultant) to further explore and practice the newly acquired language skills and academic strategies introduced in The Culture of Art & Design. This session will explore OCAD U’s classroom culture(s), writing, researching and presentation conventions and techniques. 

2024 Program Dates & Fees

Dates for English For Art and Design: Preparation program
April 2 - June 21, 2024

$125 pre-registration fee (refundable for applicants who do no receive an offer of admission - except for a $50 administration fee)
$189 student health insurance, UHIP (only for students living in Ontario). 
Program fee of $10,500.86 (CAD), plus 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)—please note that there are no refunds for this program fee as of Monday, April 1, 2024. If you withdraw before that day, you can receive a full refund (minus a $100 administration fee).

*Please visit the EAD: Preparation webpage for more information about the program.

Green waves

EAD: Bridge To First Year will be offered online in 2024.

The program requires a time commitment of approximately 24 hours per week for assignments, group work and program activities—including both synchronous (online and happening at the same time) and asynchronous (on your own schedule) activities. Synchronous class sessions typically start at 8:30am or 9:00am (Eastern/Toronto time) for approximately 90 minutes.

There are three components to EAD: Bridge To First Year.

EADL-2V: Discussions In Visual Culture 

In this class, you will practice the language of art and design history by analyzing objects and their context. While all classes will include reading, writing, listening and speaking, this class will focus mostly on reading and writing in English to help prepare you for the types of assignments you will have in your first-year seminar (lecture) classes.

Time commitment:
9 hours/week

See above.

EADL-2S: Art & Design Studio 

In this class, you will practice the language and culture of art and design studio through the practice of making and working on art projects. In this class, you will focus mostly on listening and speaking in English while learning important art & design vocabulary. This class will help prepare you for the types of assignments you will have in your first-year studio (making) classes. EAD Bridge students have the opportunity to participate in an online final exhibition.

Time commitment:
9 hours/week.

See above.

EADL-2L: Language Studio 

Students will have the opportunity to work with an English Language Learning Consultant (Language Coach) during the program. Your Language Coach will provide feedback on assignments, offer one-on-one and group tutoring and help you review new vocabulary, expressions, and concepts introduced in the two classes listed above. There will be a weekly meeting to focus on and practice language skills.

Time commitment:
6 hours/week

See above.

2024 Program Dates & Fees

Dates for English For Art and Design: Bridge To First Year
July 2 - August 9, 2024

$125 non-refundable pre-registration fee 
$126 student health insurance, UHIP (only for students living in Ontario)
Program fee of $6,099.84 (CAD), plus 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)—please note that there are no refunds for the program fee once this program has started. If you withdraw before Tuesday, July 2, 2024, you can receive a full refund (minus a $100 administration fee). 

Please visit the EAD: Bridge To First Year webpage for more information about the program.


Red waves

EAD: Expanded is a program that supports students to begin their first year in undergraduate studies at OCAD University as they take a reduced course-load of 2.0 credits along with the EADL-3L: Language of Art & Design (non-credit) course. The EADL-3L course is designed to support students in their first year by providing small group discussions as well as activities and assignments that further build the university-level language skills they need to succeed. Students who have not yet met OCAD U's English language proficiency requirements may need to enroll in this program.

EADL-3L: Language of Art & Design

The EADL-3L course is designed to support students in their first year by providing small group discussions as well as activities and assignments that further build the university-level art and design (disciplinary) language skills that students need to succeed.

Time commitment:
Approximately 6 hours per week 

For 2024, the format of delivery will be in-person (on campus). Program registrants will receive information/updates (in August/September) for participation.

Please visit the EAD: Expanded webpage for more information and updates about the program (closer to when the program starts).


2024 Program Dates & Fees

Dates for English For Art and Design: Expanded
September 16 - December 1, 2024 

Program registration fee of $3,101.40 (CAD) plus 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) to be paid in September (students will be notified when the fee has been added to their accounts for payment)
*Please note that there are no refunds for the program registration fee once the program has started. 
*Please also note that this a non-credit program/course and is not eligible for (not covered by) OSAP funding.