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Welcoming OCAD U’s new Health Ambassadors

A image of four blue medical masks.
Welcoming OCAD U’s new Health Ambassadors

In addition to the friendly faces of your classmates, professors and technicians this Winter term, you'll be seeing OCAD University’s new Health Ambassadors on campus, beginning February 4, 2022.  

As part of the University’s commitment to keeping the community safe as we gradually return to in-person learning, OCAD U is welcoming six students who are assuming this newly created role to build awareness around COVID-19 universal precautions and make sure everyone is doing their part in reducing transmission, including wearing masks. 

This term, you’ll see teams of Health Ambassador roles wearing OCAD U smocks and badges. They will be situated in some of the busiest areas on campus, especially during class turnover times, to help with the flow of traffic near elevators and stairwells.  

Health Ambassadors will also be periodically checking your completed symptom self-assessments, which everyone on campus needs to complete before entering OCAD U buildings, and we remind everyone to stay home if they feel unwell.  

Plus, if you ever forget your mask at home, they will provide you with a medical mask.