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Return to Campus Planning for Administrative Staff & Managers

Return to Campus Unit Plans
In preparation for the return to campus and in consultation with their teams, managers and unit heads have been asked to prepare departmental plans for the delivery of their services this Fall and the timing of their team members’ return to campus. The guidelines and responsibilities are designed to support you in developing these plans. 

These guidelines outline extensive health and safety protocols that must be included in unit return to campus plans. Faculty Office Managers are asked to apply the health and safety measures to the configuration of faculty offices (to be accessed primarily by those teaching in person) and researchers are expected to apply them to research labs/studio environments. 

Managers and unit heads are asked to contact to initiate a consultation on your plan that takes into account operational (e.g., furniture reconfiguration) and health and safety needs for the area.

In response to feedback about the date for re-evaluating our health measures and full staff return to campus, and to align with the full implementation of the Vaccination Policy, the date for full return to campus has been extended to Tuesday, October 26, 2021. This is of course still subject to any public health guidance in effect at the time.

We will hold a part two follow up session to last Friday’s Management group meeting to provide more time for questions and support; please ensure you have read this latest version of the Managers Guidelines & Responsibilities ahead of time.

Please continue to visit the Return to Campus website for ongoing updates.

Guidelines & Responsibilities for Managers & Unit Heads for Developing Return to Campus Plans – Fall 2021

Remote Work Requests
The attached remote work guidelines and related request form will be in effect as a temporary measure for the period of October 26, 2021 to May 31, 2022. This transitional period will help determine the efficacy of remote work arrangements at OCAD U and inform the future of work at the University. Concurrently, a working group will be established to assess and recommend a program that will allow for more permanent flexible work arrangements that reflect the changing nature of work and ensure OCAD U remains an employer of choice. 

These guidelines have been developed to help administrative staff and managers assess and consider the suitability of remote work arrangements within their units over this transition period.   

Administrative staff are encouraged to engage directly with their managers regarding the return to campus planning and/or remote work guidelines. Human Resources is also available to provide guidance on these processes.

Remote Work Guidelines (PDF)