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OCAD U welcomes three new members to the Board of Governors

Headshots of Richard Hunt, Lucy Song and Hillary Marshall

Image: from left to right:  Professor Richard Hunt, Lucy Song and Hillary Marshall

OCAD University’s Board of Governors welcomed three new members at its October 3 meeting.  These include Faculty Representative Richard Hunt (appointed on September 26, 2022), External Member Hillary Marshall (appointed on April 28, 2022) and Graduate Student Representative Lucy Song (appointed October, 2022).

The 28-member Board of Governors is responsible for governing the affairs of the University, including approving the budget and establishing policies and institutional priorities. The Board is composed of 18 external members, which include six appointees from the Government of Ontario, 10 elected by the Board and two elected by the OCAD U Alumni Association.

The remaining eight members are drawn from the OCAD U internal community, including three faculty members who are cross-appointed by Senate, and one staff and manager who are elected from their respective constituencies, and three students (two undergraduate and one graduate). The President and Chancellor are ex-officio members of the Board.

Meet our new Board members

Richard Hunt, Faculty Representative (elected by Faculty and appointed by the Senate)
Professor, Tenured, Faculty of Design, OCAD University

Richard Hunt has worked in the design field for more than 35 years, specializing in typographical practice and acting as a consultant to and collaborator of many designers, publishers, architects and other institutions across North America. He has worked with Bruce Mau Design, Zone Books, Rizzoli and the Getty Institute. His interests include information design and typeface design for print and screen, book and magazine typography as well as the history, state and future of communication technologies as they apply to typography. Before joining OCAD University, Hunt taught in the York/Sheridan joint degree program in Design and Humber College. His book, Advanced Typography, was published in 2020.

Hillary Marshall, External Member (appointed by the Government of Ontario)  
Group Head, Communications and Public Affairs, Canada Infrastructure Bank

Hillary Marshall loves art in all forms and creative approaches to advancing important outcomes that benefit society. She has spent her career leading communications, sustainability, community relations and public affairs functions for some of Canada’s best-known brands and organizations, including the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Waterfront Toronto, NATIONAL Communications, Hudson’s Bay Company and The Toronto Stock Exchange. Marshall currently serves as Group Head, Communications and Public Affairs at the Canada Infrastructure Bank and sits on the Board of Directors of Destination Toronto. She has served as Chair at Partners in Project Green, the Urban Land Institute of Toronto and various policy committees at the Toronto Board of Trade.

Lucy Song, Graduate Student Member (elected by Graduate Students)
First year MDes student, Inclusive Design

Lucy Song (she/they) is a second-generation Korean-Canadian, a multidisciplinary creative, art and design educator, a children’s book author and a first-year Inclusive Design graduate student. They are dedicated to unlearning//learning, opening learning pathways for equity-deserving communities, supporting wellness through mindfulness practices and working towards co-designing projects with marginalized communities.

Thank you to our outgoing Board member

On June 30, 2022, the Board said farewell to Judith Doyle who completed her term. The Board of Governors extends their deep appreciation to her for her contributions and service.