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Don't ignore software updates

An illustration of a woman with a laptop on her lap and computer screen.

Software updates are important to your digital safety and cyber security. The sooner you complete your latest update, the sooner you can feel confident your device is as secure as possible, that is, until the next update is available! So, why are software updates so important?  

Updates help correct security flaws 

Hackers love security flaws! Most software and operating system (OS) updates include corrections to errors in computer software code, also called security patching. This is the number one reason to keep everything up to date. Stop ignoring the pop-up windows, set your devices to auto-update and when you see there is a new OS available, install it on your lunch break. A little bit of effort today can avoid a big headache in the future.  

Another way to protect your data 

Like most folks, you probably keep plenty of personal information on your digital devices. Your personally identifiable information is valuable to cybercriminals. Updating your software and operating systems helps keep hackers out. 

It’s not just about you… 

As we know all too well about viruses, if your device gets infected, you could pass it on to your friends, family and colleagues. Software updates help protect against viruses (as does anti-virus software, which OCAD U’s IT team also recommend using). 

You deserve the latest and greatest! 

Updates not only patch security holes, they also add new features, improve existing ones and offer better stability (making it less likely that your device will crash). 

OCAD U IT Services has your back

OCAD U IT Services always tests out the latest MacOS available to ensure it works smoothly with University services. They will let the community know if they think you should hold off on the newest version of the Mac OS.