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Cybercrimes on the rise: How to protect yourself & OCAD U

Image shows rooftop of Rosalie Sharp Centre for Design at OCAD University

As we enter a phase of increased global uncertainty, the OCAD U community is reminded to be vigilant about cybersecurity. Last year, cybercrime cost over $7.5 trillion globally and post-secondary institutions are frequent targets.   

What should I watch out for?  

  • Phishing attempts (fraudulent efforts to obtain your sensitive information by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity) are primarily received through OCAD U email. Watch out for links that redirect (to a different site) or have misspellings.
  • Attacks can also be perpetrated through compromised accounts when a user has been tricked into entering their username and password into a fraudulent website.  Watch out for any correspondence that is out of character and has urgency that is not expected. 

How do I protect myself?  

  • Be vigilant in confirming the validity of any website that asks you for your username and password.   
  • If you’re entering personal information into a website, you should confirm that the site has “https” in the address bar and the padlock indicates the site is secured. This means the website uses encryption.  
  • If you receive an email with an attachment that you weren’t expecting, do not open it.   
  • Never click any unknown links in emails, they may not lead where you think.  

What should I do if I suspect my cybersecurity has been compromised?  

  • Do not hesitate to reset your password 
  • Forward any suspicious emails received to IT and then delete it.  
  • Contact the OCAD U IT Help Desk for assistance or visit IT’s website for more information.  

More tips!
Find out more security tips for faculty and staff.   
Find out more security tips for students.  
Find out more about phishing emails, blocking senders and managing junk email.