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Congratulations to the GradEx 104 Medal Winners!

GradEx MEda Winners

The creative works of over 800 emerging artists were showcased at the 104th annual GradEx. During opening night festivities, OCAD U Medal Winners were honoured by all attendees, including their families and friends. Congratulations goes out to all exhibitors on a successful show and to the winners of the OCAD U Medal and President's Awards:


Graduate Medal Winners: 

Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media and Design – Philip Sparks

Digital Futures – Kylie Caraway

Strategic Foresight and Innovation – Rachelle Bugeaud

Inclusive Design – Uttara Ghodke

Criticism & Curatorial Practice – Panya Clark Espinal

Contemporary Art, Design and New Media Art Histories – Katherine Walker

Design for Health – Molly McGovern