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Call for Submissions: Journal of Visual & Critical Studies 2022

Drawing of flowers in black pen on aged and yellowed paper with faded, intelligible text in background

The Journal of Visual & Critical Studies is taking submissions for this year's publication, under the theme of ART & RECIPROCITY. With the goal of celebrating some of the best undergraduate academic writing at OCAD University, this anthology challenges the boundaries of art history by looking at art’s relationship with the world through cultural, political, and social exchange.

We encourage students to submit work that they have written for courses and would feel proud to share with the OCAD U Community and aligns with the guiding theme. The Editorial Committee is seeking submissions from all current OCAD U students in the following formats:

Exhibition and Performance Reviews [250 to 500 words]
Reviews of exhibitions, performances or art-related events that happened after April 2021. We welcome reviews that are local, national, or international in scope.

Critical Essays [1000 to 2000 words]
We publish academic essays about art, design, and visual studies. We are open to a wide range of methods and analyses, including experimental writing on aesthetic experiences and interdisciplinary research. We can accept excerpts from larger essays.

Abstracts of Thesis Projects [150 to 250 words]
Art or design students may submit up to 3 images of their works to contextualize their abstract. Images provided should be 300 DPI.


Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be sent either as an email attachment, or as a link to a Google Drive file to Writing should be submitted as a Word Document (.doc or .docx) and Chicago style citations are encouraged.

In your submission email please provide a 1 to 2 sentence biography that includes your name, your program, the year of your program (for ex: 3rd year student), and a few details about your research interests and/or studio practice.

Submission deadline: Friday, February 18, 2022

To learn more about the Journal of Visual & Critical Studies and to read past volumes, please visit