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Board of Governors positions: Internal call for nominations

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Permanent staff and managers: consider becoming a member of the OCAD U Board of Governors. Nominations are now open for a two-year term commencing July 1, 2019. Two internal positions are available, one of which is elected from and by permanent managers at OCAD U; and the other, from and by permanent unionized staff and permanent exempt staff.

OCAD University’s Board of Governors is responsible for governing and managing the affairs of the university and has the necessary powers to do so, including the power to determine mission, vision and values of the University, appoint and remove the President and Chancellor, approve the annual budget of the University and monitor its implementation, establish administrative and operational policies and procedures, as well as other specific powers. The Board consists of members from the external community as well as executive, management, staff, faculty and student representatives drawn from the OCAD U community.

Nominations are currently open for the following positions on the Board of Governors starting July 1, 2019:

·       One (1) Permanent Manager position (two-year term)

·       One (1) Permanent Staff position (two-year term)

For more information on roles, responsibilities nomination and election processes, including eligibility requirements, please visit the Board Elections webpage.

Key dates to note:

Nominations close: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 4:30pm

Electronic elections: Wednesday, May 19 to Friday, May 31, 2019

Additional questions?

Please contact Tanya Bowes, Board Secretary and Director, Strategic Planning at  or 416-977-6000 Ext. 2853.