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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

The White People Problem

The White People Problem is a series of experimental works that seek to engage white settlers on issues of colonialism, inequity, and white privilege. Grounded in Boyce’s personal experiences, this work is her response to conversations within her own family and social in groups in Northern Ontario. Rather than bringing bar graphs to Christmas dinner, she uses a multiple fabrication techniques to create pieces that seek to reverse and subvert the white gaze.
install documentaion
The White People Problem poster

The White People Problem is a series of experimental works that seek to engage white settlers on issues of colonialism, inequity, and white privilege. Grounded in Boyce’s personal experiences, this work is her response to conversations within her own family and social in groups in Northern Ontario. Rather than bringing bar graphs to Christmas dinner, she uses a multiple fabrication techniques to create pieces that seek to reverse and subvert the white gaze.

May 1-7 from 1pm-6pm daily.
Opening night is invited only