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This Week at OCAD U

This Month at OCAD U

WEKH Good w/Food

The Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers at OCAD U (CEAD) is inviting all students who identify as creative women* entrepreneurs in the arts to join us for a dinner.
Good w Food logo in white against black background

WEKH Good w/Food
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers, Level 3, 115 McCaul St.

The Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers at OCAD U (CEAD) is inviting all students who identify as creative women* entrepreneurs in the arts to join us for a dinner on Thurs. Nov. 21 at 6PM as part of our Good w/ Food dinner series, which brings together OCAD students, alumni, and broader professional communities over food.

The event takes place in the Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers, located at 115 McCaul, 3rd Floor will encourage participants to engage in conversation and photo documentation throughout the evening to share knowledge and learn from one another. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by emailing Alexandra Hong, by Mon. Nov. 11, 2019 and let us know if there are any dietary restrictions or any access needs.

*Our use of the term “women” is inclusive, including cis women, trans women, Two Spirit, genderqueer, gender fluid, and non-binary folks.

Next month and beyond