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Want to start a business? A 3-part series to help you map next steps for your creative business

Want to start a business?  A 3-part series to help you map next steps for your creative business

Do you have a business idea, but wonder how to get it started? Join the RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designer and entrepreneur Jaymin Luces-Mendes for a 3-part series exploring how to start a business. These workshops will feature structured working time, live coaching, and a chance for you to ask questions.

This is a 3-part series where each workshop builds on the previous one. We encourage you to attend each one, or to watch the recordings to prepare for the following workshops. Recordings of each workshop will be shared with participants who RSVP.


Workshop 1: Your Idea |
Tues. March 29, 1 - 2:30 pm EDT
This workshop focuses on the idea you want to bring to life - the “why” and big picture vision. We will also explore in broad strokes, key components that make up your business. At the end of the session you will have a clearer picture of your business idea and understand what drives you.

Workshop 2: The story of your business |
Tues. April 12, 1 - 2:30 pm EDT

In this workshop we will map the lifecycle journey of your business from the perspective of the product or service you hope to sell. At the end of this session you will have a clear sense of how your product or service interacts with the real world. You’ll know who and why your customers purchase from you and the starting points to make it happen.

Workshop 3: Creating your first Business Model Canvas |
Tues. April 26, 1 - 2:30 pm EDT

In this last workshop, we will start to pull the pieces from Workshop 1 and 2 into a Business Model Canvas. A Business Model Canvas is a tool that allows you to visualize and understand how various aspects become the building blocks of your business.