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SPRING IS HERE: Seed-starting webinar

Image of small bright green sprouts pushing out of dark brown soil.
SPRING IS HERE: Seed-starting webinar
Thursday March 24, 2022
12pm-1pm | online

Click here to join the meeting

Session description:

The webinar will include:

  • Step-by-step guide for starting seeds now (herbs, teas, lavender).
  • How to prepare a simple setup to begin growing at home (inexpensive materials you may already have).
  • Windowsill, balcony and backyard growing tips.
  • Attracting pollinators (butterflies).
  • What seed-starting has to do with food sovereignty and climate action.

In conversation with Elaine Chan-Dow (Faculty of Art). Bring your questions.
Hosted by Victoria Ho, Sustainability Coordinator (Office of Diversity, Equity & Sustainability Initiatives).