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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Sha Hwang, in conversation

A conversation with Sha Hwang about design, government, and public benefit.
Sha Hwang
Sha Hwang

Sha is the COO and a co-founder of Nava, a public benefit corporation formed during efforts to help fix Nava partners with government agencies to improve critical public services, and now works across several projects in the US on programs including Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and SNAP. Pairing a strong service design and user research centered approach with rigorous experience in building scalable and resilient public infrastructure, Nava has helped tens of millions of people enroll in and manage their benefits, streamlined processes to save decades of labour years, and saved government agencies hundreds of millions of dollars.

An architect by training and an entrepreneur by accident, previous to co-founding Nava Sha worked for clients including the New York Times, Harvard's Library Lab, CNN, Flickr, and Adobe. A frequent speaker, Sha has spoken at events and institutions around the world including the Eyeo Festival, Webstock, The Conference, Visualized, and the White House Datapalooza.

The event is co-presented by the Digital Futures Graduate Program at OCADU and Civic Hall Toronto

Please contact Josh Paglione ( if you require any accomodations.

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