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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Register now for DEEP 2019 (Designing Enabling Economies and Policies), Oct. 18th

DEEP 2019: The State of Inclusion
DEEP 2019, Designing Enabling Economies and Policies

This year the one-day DEEP event will be the beginning of a series of challenge workshops that extend throughout the year. These workshops will address challenges that are important to all of us, but that don’t receive enough attention or investment because they are too complex or because the people that are most affected don’t have enough influence or power.

We also hope you will get involved in many new and ongoing inclusive design projects. Our new projects are Code Learn Create and Project We Count. Code Learn Create is building inclusive educational coding tools, so that everyone can participate in this “new literacy”. We Count makes sure that people are not excluded from the data economy, and that data-based decisions are not biased against minorities, diversity and complexity. 


We are gathering our international partners to help us plan the next iteration of our Social Justice Repair KitFLOE and Platform Co-op Development Kit projects. 


The topics we will tackle are tough, but also personally relevant to everyone attending. Among the themes running through our discussions will be: 

  • ownership and agency in a data-driven world, 
  • how truth and value are determined, 
  • reversing rising financial disparity and political polarization, and 
  • the relationship between inclusion and sustainability.

We also intend to have fun and celebrate the opportunity to connect with old and new friends.